在 WPF Framework 4.5.2 中找不到 OpenfileDialog 的 Win32 程序集

Can't find Win32 assembly for OpenfileDialog in WPF Framework 4.5.2

我尝试在 .NET4.5.2 上的 WPF 项目中编写一个 Open/Save 文件对话框。 我找到了基于 Win32.OpenFileDialog.


我使用 Win8.1(x64),但在我的 Visual Studio 2015 社区的程序集中找不到任何 Win32 条目。

有没有我可以下载档案的地方? 我该如何以其他方式管理我的 Open/Save 对话框?

我相信它在 PresentationFramework 程序集中:

namespace Microsoft.Win32
// Summary:
//     Represents a common dialog box that allows a user to specify a filename for one
//     or more files to open.
public sealed class OpenFileDialog : FileDialog
    // Summary:
    //     Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog class.
    public OpenFileDialog();

    // Summary:
    //     Gets or sets an option indicating whether Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog allows
    //     users to select multiple files.
    // Returns:
    //     true if multiple selections are allowed; otherwise, false. The default is false.
    public bool Multiselect { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    //     Gets or sets a value indicating whether the read-only check box displayed by
    //     Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog is selected.
    // Returns:
    //     true if the checkbox is selected; otherwise, false. The default is false.
    public bool ReadOnlyChecked { get; set; }
    // Summary:
    //     Gets or sets a value indicating whether Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog contains
    //     a read-only check box.
    // Returns:
    //     true if the checkbox is displayed; otherwise, false. The default is false.
    public bool ShowReadOnly { get; set; }

    // Summary:
    //     Opens a read-only stream for the file that is selected by the user using Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog.
    // Returns:
    //     A new System.IO.Stream that contains the selected file.
    // Exceptions:
    //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
    //     No files were selected in the dialog.
    public Stream OpenFile();
    // Summary:
    //     Creates an array that contains one read-only stream for each file selected by
    //     the user using Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog.
    // Returns:
    //     An array of multiple new System.IO.Stream objects that contain the selected files.
    // Exceptions:
    //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
    //     No files were selected in the dialog.
    public Stream[] OpenFiles();
    // Summary:
    //     Resets all Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog properties to their default values.
    public override void Reset();
    protected override void CheckPermissionsToShowDialog();

如果您需要更好的 目录 选择对话框,您需要 Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack Nuget 包:

using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs;
using System.IO;
// ....
       var browserDialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog();
        browserDialog.IsFolderPicker = true;
        browserDialog.Title = Title;
// ---

您需要在项目中添加对 PresentationFramework.dll



private Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog();