
Semantic Similarity between Sentences in a Text

我已经使用 here 中的 material 和之前的论坛页面为程序编写了一些代码,该程序将自动计算整个文本中连续句子之间的语义相似度。在这里;

第一部分的代码是从第一个 link 复制粘贴的,然后我在下面的 245 行之后放了这些东西。我删除了第 245 行之后的所有多余部分。

with open ("File_Name", "r") as sentence_file:
    while x and y:
        x = sentence_file.readline()
        y = sentence_file.readline()
        similarity(x, y, true)           
#boolean set to false or true 
        x = y
        y = sentence_file.readline() 


Red alcoholic drink. Fresh orange juice. An English dictionary. The Yellow Wallpaper.


["Red alcoholic drink.", "Fresh orange juice.", 0.611],

["Fresh orange juice.", "An English dictionary.", 0.0]

["An English dictionary.", "The Yellow Wallpaper.",  0.5]

if norm(vec_1) > 0 and if norm(vec_2) > 0:
    return np.dot(vec_1, vec_2.T) / (np.linalg.norm(vec_1)* np.linalg.norm(vec_2))
 elif norm(vec_1) < 0 and if norm(vec_2) < 0:
    ???Move On???

这应该有效。评论中有几点需要注意。基本上,您可以循环遍历文件中的行并随时存储结果。一次处理两行的一种方法是设置一个 "infinite loop" 并检查我们读取的最后一行以查看我们是否已经结束(readline() 将 return None 在文件末尾)。

# You'll probably need the file extention (.txt or whatever) in open as well
with open ("File_Name.txt", "r") as sentence_file:
    # Initialize a list to hold the results
    results = []

    # Loop until we hit the end of the file
    while True:
        # Read two lines
        x = sentence_file.readline()
        y = sentence_file.readline()

        # Check if we've reached the end of the file, if so, we're done
        if not y:
            # Break out of the infinite loop
            # The .rstrip('\n') removes the newline character from each line
            x = x.rstrip('\n')
            y = y.rstrip('\n')

                # Calculate your similarity value
                similarity_value = similarity(x, y, True)

                # Add the two lines and similarity value to the results list
                results.append([x, y, similarity_value])
                print("Error when parsing lines:\n{}\n{}\n".format(x, y))

# Loop through the pairs in the results list and print them
for pair in results:

编辑:关于您从 similarity() 得到的问题,如果您想简单地忽略导致这些错误的线对(没有深入查看源代码,我真的不知道是什么继续),您可以在对 similarity() 的调用周围添加一个 try, catch