
Can any interface with a single method, be considered a Functional Interface?


package tester;

public interface Calculator{

     public int calculate(int a,int b);


package tester;

public interface Calculator{

    public int calculate(int a,int b);



package tester;
public class A {

    int a;
    int b;
    int sum;
    A(Calculator c,int e, int d){
        sum =c.calculate(a, b);

    int get(){
        return sum;

class 亚军

package tester;

public class runner {

    public static void main(String a[]){

        System.out.println(new A((x,b)-> (x+b),1,2).get());

无论有没有注解,代码都可以工作,那为什么要有注解呢? 为什么不能说任何方法单一的接口都可以是函数式接口?

是的,任何具有一个要实现的抽象方法的接口都可以是功能接口,注释 FunctionalInterface 不是必需的,它只是一个 信息性 注释,如javadoc.

An informative annotation type used to indicate that an interface type declaration is intended to be a functional interface as defined by the Java Language Specification.


However, the compiler will treat any interface meeting the definition of a functional interface as a functional interface regardless of whether or not a FunctionalInterface annotation is present on the interface declaration.

FunctionalInterface 注释只是对编译器的提示,是的,任何具有一个抽象方法的接口都可以是功能接口。注释可能有助于检测功能界面中的错误。例如:

public interface ExampleInterface {
