Elastisearch.net 属性 选择加入?
Elastisearch.net property opt in?
我正在使用 Elastisearch.NET 和 NEST 2.3。我想使用属性映射,但我只想索引某些属性。据我了解,除非您使用例如 [String(Ignore = true)] 忽略它们,否则所有属性都会被编入索引是否可以默认忽略所有属性并仅索引附加了 nest 属性的属性?喜欢JSON.NETsMemberSerialization.OptIn
您可以使用自定义序列化程序来执行此操作,以忽略任何未标记为 NEST ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase
void Main()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(
new HttpConnection(),
new SerializerFactory(s => new CustomSerializer(s)));
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
client.CreateIndex("demo", c => c
.Mappings(m => m
.Map<Document>(mm => mm
public class Document
public string Field1 { get; set;}
public string Field2 { get; set; }
public int Field3 { get; set; }
public int Field4 { get; set; }
public class CustomSerializer : JsonNetSerializer
public CustomSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings, Action<JsonSerializerSettings, IConnectionSettingsValues> settingsModifier) : base(settings, settingsModifier) { }
public CustomSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings) : base(settings) { }
public override IPropertyMapping CreatePropertyMapping(MemberInfo memberInfo)
// if cached before, return it
IPropertyMapping mapping;
if (Properties.TryGetValue(memberInfo.GetHashCode(), out mapping))
return mapping;
// let the base method handle any types from NEST
// or Elasticsearch.Net
if (memberInfo.DeclaringType.FullName.StartsWith("Nest.") ||
return base.CreatePropertyMapping(memberInfo);
// Determine if the member has an attribute
var attributes = memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
if (attributes == null || !attributes.Any(a => typeof(ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase).IsAssignableFrom(a.GetType())))
// set an ignore mapping
mapping = new PropertyMapping { Ignore = true };
Properties.TryAdd(memberInfo.GetHashCode(), mapping);
return mapping;
// Let base method handle remaining
return base.CreatePropertyMapping(memberInfo);
PUT http://localhost:9200/demo?pretty=true
"mappings": {
"document": {
"properties": {
"field1": {
"type": "string"
"field3": {
"type": "integer"
我正在使用 Elastisearch.NET 和 NEST 2.3。我想使用属性映射,但我只想索引某些属性。据我了解,除非您使用例如 [String(Ignore = true)] 忽略它们,否则所有属性都会被编入索引是否可以默认忽略所有属性并仅索引附加了 nest 属性的属性?喜欢JSON.NETsMemberSerialization.OptIn
您可以使用自定义序列化程序来执行此操作,以忽略任何未标记为 NEST ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase
void Main()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(
new HttpConnection(),
new SerializerFactory(s => new CustomSerializer(s)));
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
client.CreateIndex("demo", c => c
.Mappings(m => m
.Map<Document>(mm => mm
public class Document
public string Field1 { get; set;}
public string Field2 { get; set; }
public int Field3 { get; set; }
public int Field4 { get; set; }
public class CustomSerializer : JsonNetSerializer
public CustomSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings, Action<JsonSerializerSettings, IConnectionSettingsValues> settingsModifier) : base(settings, settingsModifier) { }
public CustomSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings) : base(settings) { }
public override IPropertyMapping CreatePropertyMapping(MemberInfo memberInfo)
// if cached before, return it
IPropertyMapping mapping;
if (Properties.TryGetValue(memberInfo.GetHashCode(), out mapping))
return mapping;
// let the base method handle any types from NEST
// or Elasticsearch.Net
if (memberInfo.DeclaringType.FullName.StartsWith("Nest.") ||
return base.CreatePropertyMapping(memberInfo);
// Determine if the member has an attribute
var attributes = memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
if (attributes == null || !attributes.Any(a => typeof(ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase).IsAssignableFrom(a.GetType())))
// set an ignore mapping
mapping = new PropertyMapping { Ignore = true };
Properties.TryAdd(memberInfo.GetHashCode(), mapping);
return mapping;
// Let base method handle remaining
return base.CreatePropertyMapping(memberInfo);
PUT http://localhost:9200/demo?pretty=true
"mappings": {
"document": {
"properties": {
"field1": {
"type": "string"
"field3": {
"type": "integer"