如何在 Visual Basic 中获取字符串特定位置的字符?

How to get the charater at a specific position of a string in Visual Basic?

我想在 Visual Basic 中的特定位置获得一个可用的字符,例如字符串是 "APPLE"。

我想获取字符串中的第 3 个字符,即 "P"。


' For the 3rd character (the second P):

Dim s As String = "APPLE"
Dim ch As Char =  s(2) ' = 'P',  where s(0) is "A"

Dim ch2 As Char = s.Chars(2) 'According to @schlebe's comment

Dim substr As String = s.Substring(2, 1) 's.Substring(0, 1) is "A"

Dim substr As String = Mid(s, 3, 1) 'Mid(s, 1, 1) is "A" (this is a relict from VB6)

注意:如果您想 return 一个 Char,请使用第一个变体。另外两个 return 长度为 1 的 String。所有语言中可用的常见 .NET 方法是使用方法 Substring,其中函数 Mid 是 VB 特定的,引入是为了促进从 VB6 到 VB.NET 的过渡。


Dim s As String = "APPLE"
Dim c As Char = GetChar(s,4) ' = 'L' index = 1~