为什么将字符串的 ArrayList 从一个 activity 传递到另一个时出现空指针异常?

Why am I getting a null pointer exception when passing an ArrayList of strings from one activity to another?

我正在尝试从 UpdateLocation activity.

中获取 ScanLocate activity 中的数组列表

我正在使用 startActivityForResult 方法调用填充 ArrayList wifiListscan 方法,然后我想将 ArrayList 发送到 Update Location class。

我首先在 Update Location 中调用 startActivityForResult:

private void getScan(){
    //Create an intent to start ScanLocate
    final Intent i = new Intent(this, ScanLocate.class);
    //Start scanLocate with request code
    startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_READINGS);

接下来,在 ScanLocate 中我创建了 sendData 方法(注意:检查确认此时 ArrayList 数据完好无损):

private void sendData(){
    //create a new intent as container for the result
    final Intent readings = new Intent(this, UpdateLocation.class);

    //check that data is in wifiList
    for(String s:wifiList){
        Log.v(TAG,"List Items: " + s);

    //create bundle for string array
    Bundle b = new Bundle();
    b.putStringArrayList(key, wifiList);

    //add readings to send to updateLoc

    //set code to indicate success and attach Intent
    setResult(RESULT_OK, readings);

    //call finish to return

最后一部分在 UpdateLocation 中返回 onActivityResult:

        public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent readings){
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, readings);

    //check if request code matches the one set above
    if(requestCode == REQUEST_READINGS){

        //check if sendData() in ScanLocate was successful
        if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){
            //get the readings from the Intent
            Log.v(TAG, "HERE");
            result = getIntent().getExtras().getStringArrayList(ScanLocate.key);
            Log.v(TAG, "HERE2");

            for(String s : result) {
                Log.v(TAG, "Location 5: " + s);
            //ScanLocate was unsuccessful

显示第一个 "Here",但它随后落在下一行,getStringArrayList() 抛出空指针异常。




startactivityforResult not working


result = readings.getStringArrayListExtra(ScanLocate.key);