如何在测试 Web 服务客户端时使用特定端口

How to use a specific port while Testing web service clients

我正在按照 play framework 2.5 文档使用 Web 服务客户端编写测试


下面的代码是从上面的 link 中提取出来的。但是,如文档中所述,使用 implicit 端口时会分配一个随机可用端口。


 import play.core.server.Server
 object GitHubClientSpec extends Specification with NoTimeConversions {
      "GitHubClient" should {
           "get all repositories" in {
                Server.withRouter() {
                     case GET(p"/repositories") => Action {
                          Results.Ok(Json.arr(Json.obj("full_name" ->
       } { implicit port =>
                  WsTestClient.withClient { client =>
                  val result = Await.result(
                  new GitHubClient(client, "").repositories(), 10.seconds)
                  result must_== Seq("octocat/Hello-World")

如果您尝试进入 withRouter 的定义,您会看到需要 ServerConfig,您可以在其中提供 portrun mode

 import play.core.server.Server
 object GitHubClientSpec extends Specification with NoTimeConversions {
  "GitHubClient" should {
       "get all repositories" in {
            //here 8888 is the port which you have defined.
            Server.withRouter(ServerConfig(port = Some(8888), mode = Mode.Test)) {
                 case GET(p"/repositories") => Action {
                      Results.Ok(Json.arr(Json.obj("full_name" ->
   } { implicit port =>
              //The port will 8888 in this block
              WsTestClient.withClient { client =>
              val result = Await.result(
              new GitHubClient(client, "").repositories(), 10.seconds)
              result must_== Seq("octocat/Hello-World")


将此添加到 build.sbt 有效

 PlayKeys.devSettings := Seq("play.server.http.port" -> "9100")