我不知道如何在 travis CI 上正确设置 browserstack
I can't figure out how to set up browserstack properly on travis CI
我阅读并遵循了 https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/browserstack/ to set up https://github.com/cellog/react-redux-saga-router and it doesn't work. It claims there is no username, even though I clearly set up a username. You can see the error message at https://travis-ci.org/cellog/react-redux-saga-router and the source for travis.yml at https://github.com/cellog/react-redux-saga-router/blob/master/.travis.yml
缺少 karma.conf 中的 browserStack 用户名和访问密钥。一旦我添加了这些,它就完美地工作了。
我阅读并遵循了 https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/browserstack/ to set up https://github.com/cellog/react-redux-saga-router and it doesn't work. It claims there is no username, even though I clearly set up a username. You can see the error message at https://travis-ci.org/cellog/react-redux-saga-router and the source for travis.yml at https://github.com/cellog/react-redux-saga-router/blob/master/.travis.yml
中的说明缺少 karma.conf 中的 browserStack 用户名和访问密钥。一旦我添加了这些,它就完美地工作了。