如何保存输出以便稍后在 Shiny R 的另一个输出中使用它

How to save an output to use it later in another output in Shiny R

我想使用闪亮的 2 个输出结果到另一个输出进行绘图: 第一个输出是下面的soq1:

output$soq <- renderTable({

     if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Junior")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Entry Level")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Product Owner")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Leader")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Senior Manager") 
     }, include.rownames = TRUE ,  bordered = TRUE ,hover = TRUE, align = "c" ) 


output$suq <- renderTable({

     if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Junior")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Entry Level")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Product Owner")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Leader")

     else if (input$selectedLevels == "Senior Manager") 
     }, include.rownames = TRUE ,  bordered = TRUE ,hover = TRUE, align = "c" )

后来我想用结果 soq1 和 suq1 到另一个输出进行计算:

output$qsplot <- renderPlot({

      if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Junior")
      { plot(x,-x,type = "p",main = "Qualification Space",xlim = c(0,1),ylim = c(-1,0), xlab = "SOQ",ylab = "SUQ")
       points(soq1,suq1,type="o",pch=20) }


我不确定,但我认为您正在寻找: reactive()reactiveValues()。 我认为更清晰的版本是使用 reactive(),但为了更接近您的代码片段,我将使用后者并使用 renderTable() 函数执行数据修改。

mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3)

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session){
  global <- reactiveValues(mat = NULL)
  output$table1 <- renderTable({
    matNew <- mat
    # edit the table
    matNew[, 1] <- 1
    global$mat <- matNew

  output$table2 <- renderTable({

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)