在 Javascript 中合并数组中的链接数据

Merging linked Data in Array in Javascript

我有一个简单的任务是在 JSON 中重新排列几个数组,因此 ractive.js 可以更好地处理它。但是有点得意忘形,结果不是特别理想。


  "_id": 1,
  "type": "person",
  "Name": "Hans",
  "WorksFor": ["3", "4"],
}, {
  "_id": 2,
  "type": "person",
  "Name": "Michael",
  "WorksFor": ["3"],
}, {
  "_id": 3,
  "type": "department",
  "Name": "Marketing"
}, {
  "_id": 4,
  "type": "department",
  "Name": "Sales"
}, {
  "_id": 5,
  "type": "person",
  "Name": "Chris",
  "WorksFor": [],

因此,对于给定的部门,我想要一个 ractive 方法来为我提供在该部门工作的所有人员(以及他们工作的部门列表)。类似于:

  "_id": 1,
  "type": "person",
  "Name": "Hans",
  "WorksFor": ["3", "4"],
  "Readable": ["Marketing", "Sales"]
}, {
  "_id": 2,
  "type": "person",
  "Name": "Michael",
  "WorksFor": ["3"],
  "Readable": ["Sales"]


function imsorryforthis() {
  let output = [];
  let tempdocs = this.get('docs'); //as this happens in a ractive method, 
//"this.get" is neccesary for binding 
  for (var i = 0; i < tempdocs.length; i++) {
    if (_.contains(tempdocs[i].WorksFor, givenDepartment)) { //I used underscore.js here
      let collectedDepartmentData = [];
      if (tempdocs[i].WorksFor.length > 0) {
        for (var f = 0; f < tempdocs[i].WorksFor.length; f++) {
          for (var g = 0; g < tempdocs.length; g++) {
            if (tempdocs[i].WorksFor[f] == tempdocs[g]._id) {
              let actualDepartmentData = {};
              actualDepartmentData = tempdocs[g];
      tempdocs[i].Readable = collectedDepartmentData;
  return output;

我也把它放在 Fiddle 中以使其更易读。


也许有人知道更漂亮、更聪明的方法(或编译 JavaScript 的方法,所以这再也见不到曙光了)。


function mapPeopleDepartment() {
    var deptMap = {},peopleList = [];
    //Iterate through the initialArray and separate out the department into a hashmap deptMap and people into a new peopleList
    for(var i=0; i < initArray.length; i++) {
        var obj = initArray[i];
        obj.type == "department" ? deptMap[obj._id] = obj.Name :  peopleList.push(obj);
    //Iterate through the peopleList to map the WorksFor array to a Readable array
    for(var i=0; i < peopleList.length; i++) {
       var person = peopleList[i];
       person.Readable = _.map(person.WorksFor, function(dept){return deptMap[dept]});
    return peopleList;

先构建地图department_id => department_name

let departments = {};

for (let x of data) {
    if (x.type === 'department') {
        departments[x._id] = x.Name;

然后,迭代 Persons 并从该映射填充 Readable 数组:

for (let x of data) {
    if (x.type === 'person') {
        x.Readable = x.WorksFor.map(w => departments[w]);


personsInSales = data.filter(x => 
    x.type === 'person' && x.WorksFor.includes('3'));