不同的 Web 应用程序(或函数)大小存在哪些 Azure Table IOPS 限制?

What Azure Table IOPS limitations exist with the different Web App (or function) sizes?

我正在查看 high scale Azure table operations,我正在寻找描述 Azure Web 应用程序、功能等的 Azure 实例大小预期的最大 IOPS 的文档

Web 角色和相应的限制已被详细记录。例如,请参阅链接问题中的此评论

so, we ran our tests on different instance sizes and yes that makes a huge difference. at medium we get around 1200 writes per second, on extra large we get around 7200. We are looking at building a distributed read/write controller possibly using the dcache as the middle man. – JTtheGeek Aug 9 '13 at 22:39


根据官方document that total Request Rate (assuming 1 KB object size) per storage account Up to 20,000 IOPS, entities per second, or messages per second. We also can get the VM Max IOPS limitations from the Azure VM size document. Web Apps are based on service plan, in the service plan we could choose different price tiers that have different VM sizes. It maybe could use for reference. More Azure limitation please refer to Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints