表单身份验证与 IIS 中禁用的表单身份验证一起使用

Forms Authetnication works with Forms Authentication disabled in IIS


private bool ValidateUser(string userName, string password, string strConnectionString)
            SqlConnection conn;
            SqlCommand cmd;
            string lookupPassword = null;

            // Check for invalid userName.
            // userName must not be null and must be between 1 and 15 characters.
            if ((null == userName) || (0 == userName.Length) || (userName.Length > 15))
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("[ValidateUser] Input validation of userName failed.");
                return false;

            // Check for invalid passWord.
            // passWord must not be null and must be between 1 and 25 characters.
            if ((null == passWord) || (0 == passWord.Length) || (passWord.Length > 25))
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("[ValidateUser] Input validation of passWord failed.");
                return false;

                // Consult with your SQL Server administrator for an appropriate connection
                // string to use to connect to your local SQL Server.
                //conn = new SqlConnection(connectionstringremoved);
                conn = new SqlConnection(strConnectionString)

                Error.Text = "Got here";

                // Create SqlCommand to select pwd field from users table given supplied userName.
                cmd = new SqlCommand("Select pwd from users where uname=@userName", conn);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@userName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25);
                cmd.Parameters["@userName"].Value = userName;

                // Execute command and fetch pwd field into lookupPassword string.
                lookupPassword = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                // Cleanup command and connection objects.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Add error handling here for debugging.
                // This error message should not be sent back to the caller.
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("[ValidateUser] Exception " + ex.ToString());
               Error.Text = ex.ToString();


            // If no password found, return false.
            if (null == lookupPassword)
                // You could write failed login attempts here to event log for additional security.
                return false;

            // Compare lookupPassword and input passWord, using a case-sensitive comparison.
            return (0 == string.Compare(lookupPassword, passWord, false));


我已将此应用程序发布到 IIS 6.1,我注意到无论是否启用表单身份验证,它都可以正常工作(在下面的情况下它被禁用)。


我认为这与启用匿名身份验证有关,即启用匿名身份验证也会默认启用表单身份验证 - 或类似的东西。但是,我找不到任何文档来支持此声明。


这实际上意味着您没有身份验证,因为 匿名身份验证 允许所有人进入。