linq.js 意想不到的结果

linq.js unexpected results

好的,所以我得到了这个名为 "Faults"

的 JSON 对象


现在我需要使用 he RoomId 检查房间是否包含故障。 我为此使用的代码是:

    Enumerable.From(audit.Rooms).ForEach(function(room, index) {//√
    var containsFaults = '';

    //room.Id is ALWAYS filled, it can't be null
    var test1 = faults.Select("$.RoomId==" + room.Id).Count();
    var test2 = faults.Select("$.RoomId==" + room.Id);

    if (faults.Select("$.RoomId==" + room.Id).Count() > 0) {
        containsFaults = '√';


为什么它不只是 return 故障来自我的匹配 RoomId 的对象?我确定 ID 确实匹配。我在这里做错了什么,我真的被这个困住了...



Why won't it just return the fault's from my object with the matching RoomId? I'm sure the Id's do match. What am I doing wrong here, i'm getting really stuck over this...

您需要添加 .ToArray() 来呈现结果。

var test2 = faults.Select("$.RoomId==" + room.Id).ToArray();
//                                               ^^^^^^^^^^

var audit = { Faults: [{ RoomId: 42, ElementId: 4711, FaultTypeId: 0, Count: 0, Remark: "no fault" }, { RoomId: 1, ElementId: 173, FaultTypeId: 1, Count: 1, Remark: "" }, { RoomId: 3, ElementId: 211, FaultTypeId: 7, Count: 1, Remark: "" }, { RoomId: 4, ElementId: 173, FaultTypeId: 1, Count: 1, Remark: "" }] },
    roomId = 4,
    dataset = Enumerable.From(audit.Faults),
    test1 = dataset.Where("$.Count > 0 && $.RoomId==" + roomId).Count();
    test2 = dataset.Where("$.Count > 0 && $.RoomId==" + roomId).ToArray();

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