为什么 TrimRight 从字符串的开头搜索?

Why is TrimRight searching from the beginning of the string?


下面是TrimRight的实现方式(来自VS2005 MFC):

// Remove all trailing occurrences of character 'chTarget'
CStringT& TrimRight( __in XCHAR chTarget )
    // find beginning of trailing matches
    // by starting at beginning (DBCS aware)

    PCXSTR psz = GetString();
    PCXSTR pszLast = NULL;

    while( *psz != 0 )
        if( *psz == chTarget )
            if( pszLast == NULL )
                pszLast = psz;
            pszLast = NULL; // Note: any other char resets search pos
        psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );

    if( pszLast != NULL )
        // truncate at left-most matching character  


我认为@Angew 的评论是正确的:

starting at beginning (DBCS aware)

psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
