SQL 从自引用中按父子顺序检索父子关系 table

SQL to retrieve parent-child relationship in parent-child order, from a self referencing table

我使用以下查询从自引用父项的 table 中检索父子关系数据。

    -- go down the hierarchy and get the childs
    WITH ChildLocations(LocationId, FkParentLocationId, [Level]) 
                -- Start CTE off by selecting the home location of the user
                SELECT l.LocationId, l.FkParentLocationId, 0 as [Level]
                FROM   Location l
                WHERE  l.LocationId = @locationId
            UNION ALL 
            -- Recursively add locations that are children of records already found in previous iterations.
            SELECT l2.LocationId, l2.FkParentLocationId, [Level] + 1
            FROM   ChildLocations tmp
                   INNER JOIN Location l2
                        ON  l2.FkParentLocationId = tmp.LocationId
    INSERT INTO @tmp
    SELECT * from ChildLocations;

table有以下字​​段: LocationId、FkParentLocationId、FkLocationTypeId 等...


Parent 1
    Child 1
    Child 2
      Child 21
    Child 3
      Child 31
Parent 2
    Child 4
    Child 5
    Child 6


Parent 1
Parent 2
    Child 1
    Child 2
    Child 3
    Child 4


如何附加一个 'order' 字段?这可能是一种方法:

WITH ChildLocations(LocationId, FkParentLocationId, [Level]) 
            -- Start CTE off by selecting the home location of the user
            SELECT l.LocationId, l.FkParentLocationId, 0 as [Level],
                   cast( str( l.locationId ) as varchar(max) ) as orderField
            FROM   Location l
            WHERE  l.LocationId = @locationId
        UNION ALL 
        -- Recursively add locations that are children ...
        SELECT l2.LocationId, l2.FkParentLocationId, [Level] + 1,
               tmp.orderField + '-' + 
               str(tmp.locationId) as orderField
        FROM   ChildLocations tmp
               INNER JOIN Location l2
                    ON  l2.FkParentLocationId = tmp.LocationId
SELECT * from ChildLocations order by orderField;

请记住,Order byInsert 中是不允许的。

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