SQL 撇号导致网络爬虫描述错误

SQL apostrophe resulting in faulty description on a web crawler

我一直在研究网络爬虫。 让我描述一下问题。

假设当您将 url http://whosebug.com


Jason's Stack Overflow is the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and advance their careers.

每当我 运行 我的爬虫,它一看到撇号就会停止,只爬到 Jason。因此,整个描述显示为:



foreach($url as $k) {
$url = parse_url($k);
if(!isset($url['path'])) {
    $selectData = "SELECT * FROM web WHERE url = '$k'";
    if(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($selectData)) === false) {
        $content = getUrl($k);
        preg_match('#<title>(.*)</title>#i', $content, $title);
        preg_match_all('/<img src=.([`^"\']+)/', $content, $img);
        preg_match('/<head>.+<meta name="description" content=.([`^"\']+)/is', $content, $description);
        preg_match('/<head>.+<meta name="author" content=.([`^"\']+)/is', $content, $author);
        #preg_match_all('/href=.([`^"\']+)/i', $content, $anchor);
        preg_match('/<body.*?>(.*?)<\/body>/is', $content, $body);
        if(!empty($title[1])  AND !empty($description[1]) || !empty($body[1])) {
            echo 'Titlu: '; @print_r($title[1]);
            echo "\n";
            $body_trim = trim(preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i",'',(strip_tags(@$body[0])))); $bodyContent = substr(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $body_trim), 0, 255);

            $description_trim = trim(preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i",'',(strip_tags(@$description[1])))); $descContent = substr(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$description_trim), 0, 255);

            $bodyContent = str_replace('\'', '', $bodyContent);
            $descContent = str_replace('\'', '', $descContent);

            echo 'Description: '; @print_r($descContent);
            echo "\n";
            echo 'Author: '; @print_r($author[1]);
            echo "\n";
            echo 'URL: '; @print_r($k); $date = date("d M Y");
            echo "\n";
            echo "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            $insertData = "INSERT INTO `web` (`url` ,  `title` ,  `description` ,  `body` ,  `author`, `date`) VALUES ('".$k."', '".@$title[1]."', '".@$descContent."', '".@$bodyContent."', '".@$author[1]."', '".$date."')";
            #echo $insertData;

你得到了精确的 SQL-Injection 大小写,因为你将输入值连接成 SQL 字符串

... VALUES ('".$k."', '".@$title[1]."'...

也许@$title[1](或任何其他变量)' like: "It's SQL Injection" 它会导致 SQL 语法错误, 因为最终 SQL 查询字符串看起来像

VALUES ('something', 'It's SQL Injection', ...

所以实际上你遇到了 SQL 语法错误

如@Bramar 所说 - 使用带参数的准备语句。它将保证您免受真正的 SQL 注入,并将正确处理您的值中的任何 SQL 保留字符