Google 自定义搜索结果包括 html 带有“nocontent”标签

Google Custom Search results includes html with “nocontent” tag

我们的站点设置了 Google 自定义搜索。已遵循 Google 的说明,包括下载 CSE.xml 文件并添加“新属性 enable_nocontent_tag="true" 到 CustomSearchEngine 标记”。 CSE 文件的其余部分保留为默认值。搜索引擎关键字字段已留空。 “nocontent”class 已添加到菜单和存在于所有页面上的基础菜单项中。该页面 运行 菜单上的“无内容” class 已经 2 周了。


这是我们的菜单示例 html:

<header class="nocontent page-head">
 <nav class="main-nav-section">
   <li class="nocontent">
    <a href="###">###</a>

当我们转到菜单项“抓取”下的 Google Search Console 并使用 Fetch as Google 时,html 会按预期出现“无内容”class 在菜单上。

这是我们的 cse.xml 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<CustomSearchEngine id="###" creator="###" language="da" encoding="UTF-8" enable_suggest="true" enable_nocontent_tag="true">
      <Label name="_cse_hinwieyku6m" mode="FILTER" />
      <Label name="_cse_exclude_hinwieyku6m" mode="ELIMINATE" />
  <LookAndFeel nonprofit="false" element_layout="1" theme="7" custom_theme="true" text_font="Arial, sans-serif" url_length="full" element_branding="show" enable_cse_thumbnail="true" promotion_url_length="full" ads_layout="1">
    <Logo />
    <Colors url="#008000" background="#FFFFFF" border="#FFFFFF" title="#0000CC" text="#000000" visited="#0000CC" title_hover="#0000CC" title_active="#0000CC" />
    <Promotions title_color="#0000CC" title_visited_color="#0000CC" url_color="#008000" background_color="#FFFFFF" border_color="#336699" snippet_color="#000000" title_hover_color="#0000CC" title_active_color="#0000CC" />
    <SearchControls input_border_color="#D9D9D9" button_border_color="#666666" button_background_color="#CECECE" tab_border_color="#E9E9E9" tab_background_color="#E9E9E9" tab_selected_border_color="#FF9900" tab_selected_background_color="#FFFFFF" />
    <Results border_color="#FFFFFF" border_hover_color="#FFFFFF" background_color="#FFFFFF" background_hover_color="#FFFFFF" ads_background_color="#fff7f5" ads_border_color="#FFFFFF" />
  <AdSense />
  <EnterpriseAccount />
  <ImageSearchSettings enable="false" />
  <autocomplete_settings />
  <sort_by_keys label="Relevance" key="" />
  <sort_by_keys label="Date" key="date" />
  <cse_advance_settings enable_speech="true" />


The problem is that if the searchterm occurs in the menu it will then appear in the results.

我认为您可能误解了 nocontent class 的目的。 documentation 表示:

When Google Custom Search sees this tag, we'll ignore any keywords it contains and won't take them into account when calculating ranking for your Custom Search engine.


Using nocontent won't impact your site's performance in Google Web Search, or our crawling of your site, in any way. We'll continue to follow any links in tagged content; we just won't use keywords to calculate ranking for your Custom Search engine.


您可以在 Google 自定义搜索支持论坛中找到更多关于此主题的讨论,例如 this thread

P.S。有一个不同的产品,Google Search Appliance, support 通过 [=13] 排除来自 indexing 的内容=]/googleon 个标签。