Cassandra 可调一致性练习

Cassandra tunable consistency exercise

我需要一些帮助来解决学校的练习题。这是关于 Cassandra 中的可调一致性。

给定一个包含 15 个节点的集群,完成以下 table。如果有多种可能性,请给出所有这些可能性。 CL 值为:ANY、ONE、QUORUM、ALL


p.s。我确信我们需要以下规则来解决这个问题:节点读取 + 节点写入 > 复制因子保持一致


如果 link 将来出现问题


Write Consistency Levels


A write must be written to the commit log and memtable on all replica nodes in the cluster for that partition.

EACH_QUORUM Strong consistency. A write must be written to the commit log and memtable on a quorum of replica nodes in each datacenter.


A write must be written to the commit log and memtable on a quorum of replica nodes across all datacenters.


Strong consistency. A write must be written to the commit log and memtable on a quorum of replica nodes in the same datacenter as the coordinator. Avoids latency of inter-datacenter communication.


A write must be written to the commit log and memtable of at least one replica node.

TWO A write must be written to the commit log and memtable of at least two replica nodes.

THREE A write must be written to the commit log and memtable of at least three replica nodes.


A write must be sent to, and successfully acknowledged by, at least one replica node in the local datacenter.


A write must be written to at least one node. If all replica nodes for the given partition key are down, the write can still succeed after a hinted handoff has been written. If all replica nodes are down at write time, an ANY write is not readable until the replica nodes for that partition have recovered.

Read consistency levels


Returns the record after all replicas have responded. The read operation will fail if a replica does not respond. EACH_QUORUM

Not supported for reads.


Returns the record after a quorum of replicas from all datacenters has responded.


Returns the record after a quorum of replicas in the current datacenter as the coordinator has reported. Avoids latency of inter-datacenter communication.


Returns a response from the closest replica, as determined by the snitch. By default, a read repair runs in the background to make the other replicas consistent.


Returns the most recent data from two of the closest replicas.


Returns the most recent data from three of the closest replicas.


Returns a response from the closest replica in the local datacenter.


Allows reading the current (and possibly uncommitted) state of data without proposing a new addition or update. If a SERIAL read finds an uncommitted transaction in progress, it will commit the transaction as part of the read. Similar to QUORUM.


Same as SERIAL, but confined to the datacenter.
