SVG 在视网膜显示器上渲染成 canvas 模糊
SVG rendered into canvas blurred on retina display
我在将 SVG 渲染到 canvas 时遇到问题。在视网膜显示器上 canvas 呈现为 base64 url 并设置为 SRC 是模糊的。
- How do I fix blurry text in my HTML5 canvas?
- Canvas drawing and Retina display: doable?
更新 fiddle 修复
视网膜和超高分辨率显示器的像素尺寸小于人眼所能分辨的平均像素尺寸。渲染一条线最终看起来像一条较浅的线。要修复检测到高分辨率显示的页面所涉及的问题,会将默认的 CSS 像素大小更改为 2。
DOM 知道这一点并调整其渲染以进行补偿。但是 Canvas 并不知道,它的渲染只是按比例放大了。 canvas 的默认显示渲染类型是双线性插值。这可以平滑从一个像素到下一个像素的过渡,这对照片来说非常有用,但对线条、文本、SVG 等来说就不是那么好了。
首先是关闭 canvas 上的双线性过滤。这可以通过 CSS 规则来完成 image-rendering: pixelated;
虽然这不会创建在 DOM 上呈现的 SVG 的质量,但它会减少一些用户体验的模糊外观。
将 SVG 渲染到 canvas 时,您应该关闭图像平滑,因为这会降低 svg 图像的质量。 SVG 是在内部渲染的,当内部副本渲染到 canvas 上时不需要额外的平滑处理。
这样做ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
检测 CSS 像素大小。 window 变量 devicePixelRatio
returns CSS 像素的大小与实际屏幕物理像素大小的比较。 Retina 和高分辨率设备的值通常为 2。然后您可以使用它来设置 canvas 分辨率以匹配物理像素分辨率。
但是有一个问题,因为 devicePixelRatio
并非在所有浏览器上都支持,并且 devicePixelRatio
所以在最基本的情况下使用 devicePixelRatio
并假设很少有人放大超过 200%。
if(devicePixelRatio >= 2){
canvas.width *= 2;
canvas.height *= 2;
既然您已经提高了分辨率,那么您还必须提高渲染大小。这可以通过 canvas 转换来完成,最好将其创建为一个函数。
function setCanvasForRetina(canvas){
canvas.width *= 2;
canvas.height *= 2;
Note I do not increase the pixel size by the value of "devicePixelRatio" This is because retina devices will only have a resolution of 2 times, if the aspect ratio is greater than 2 it is because the client has zoomed in. To honor the expected behaviour of the canvas I do not adjust for zoom setting if I can. Though that is not a rule just a suggestion.
Retina 显示屏目前针对一组固定的设备(手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑)提供一组固定的分辨率。
您可以查询 window.screen.width
和 window.screen.height
以确定绝对物理像素分辨率并将其与已知的视网膜显示器分辨率相匹配。您还可以查询 userAgent 以确定设备类型和品牌。
将它们放在一起可以改进猜测。下一个函数猜测显示器是否为视网膜。如果设备是视网膜设备,您可以使用类似于 determin 的东西,然后相应地增加 canvas 分辨率。
在 wiki Retina Display Models 找到以下代码的信息 如果您想保持最新,可以使用 Wiki 的 SPARQL 界面对这些信息进行机器查询。
演示猜 Retina。
rWidth.textContent = screen.width
rHeight.textContent = screen.height
aWidth.textContent = screen.availWidth
aHeight.textContent = screen.availHeight
pWidth.textContent = innerWidth
pHeight.textContent = innerHeight
dWidth.textContent = document.body.clientWidth
dHeight.textContent = document.body.clientHeight
//doWidth.textContent = document.body.offsetWidth
//doHeight.textContent = document.body.offsetHeight
//sWidth.textContent = document.body.scrollWidth
//sHeight.textContent = document.body.scrollHeight
pAspect.textContent = devicePixelRatio
userA.textContent = navigator.userAgent
function isRetina(){
// source
var knownRetinaResolutions = [[272,340], [312,390], [960,640], [1136,640 ], [1334,750 ], [1920,1080], [2048,1536], [2732,2048], [2304,1440], [2560,1600], [2880,1800], [4096,2304], [5120,2880]];
var knownPhones = [[960,640], [1136,640 ], [1334,750 ], [1920,1080]];
var knownPads = [[2048,1536], [2732,2048]];
var knownBooks = [[2304,1440], [2560,1600], [2880,1800], [4096,2304], [5120,2880]];
var hasRetinaRes = knownRetinaResolutions.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isACrapple = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod|Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPhoneRes = knownPhones.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPhone = /iPhone/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPadRes = knownPads.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPad = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasBookRes = knownBooks.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isBook = /Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var isAgentMatchingRes = (isBook && hasBookRes && !isPad && !isPhone) ||
(isPad && hasPadRes && !isBook && !isPhone) ||
(isPhone && hasPhoneRes && !isBook && !isPad)
return devicePixelRatio >= 2 &&
isACrapple &&
hasRetinaRes &&
guess.textContent = isRetina() ? "Yes" : "No";
div, h1, span {
font-family : arial;
span {
font-weight : bold
<div class="r-display" id="info">
<h1>System info</h1>
<div>Device resolution :
<span id = "rWidth"></span> by <span id = "rHeight"></span> pixels
<div>Availabe resolution :
<span id = "aWidth"></span> by <span id = "aHeight"></span> pixels
<div>Page resolution :
<span id = "pWidth"></span> by <span id = "pHeight"> </span> CSS pixels
<div>Document client res :
<span id = "dWidth"></span> by <span id = "dHeight"> </span> CSS pixels
<div>Pixel aspect :
<span id = "pAspect"></span>
<div>User agent :
<span id="userA"></span>
<h3>Best guess is retina "<span id = "guess"></span>!"</h3>
这可能会如您所愿。因为我不拥有任何苹果产品,所以除了在 isRetina 上强制为 true 之外,我无法对其进行测试。
function isRetina() {
// source
var knownRetinaResolutions = [[272, 340], [312, 390], [960, 640], [1136, 640], [1334, 750], [1920, 1080], [2048, 1536], [2732, 2048], [2304, 1440], [2560, 1600], [2880, 1800], [4096, 2304], [5120, 2880]];
var knownPhones = [[960, 640], [1136, 640], [1334, 750], [1920, 1080]];
var knownPads = [[2048, 1536], [2732, 2048]];
var knownBooks = [[2304, 1440], [2560, 1600], [2880, 1800], [4096, 2304], [5120, 2880]];
var hasRetinaRes = knownRetinaResolutions.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isACrapple = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod|Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPhoneRes = knownPhones.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPhone = /iPhone/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPadRes = knownPads.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPad = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasBookRes = knownBooks.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isBook = /Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var isAgentMatchingRes = (isBook && hasBookRes && !isPad && !isPhone) ||
(isPad && hasPadRes && !isBook && !isPhone) ||
(isPhone && hasPhoneRes && !isBook && !isPad);
return devicePixelRatio >= 2 && isACrapple && hasRetinaRes && isAgentMatchingRes;
function svgToImage(svg){
function svgAsImg() {
var canvas, ctx;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var scale = 1;
width *= 2;
height *= 2;
scale = 2;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
ctx.setTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0);
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; // SVG rendering is better with smoothing off
var image = new Image();
image.src = canvas.toDataURL();
image.width = this.width;
image.height = this.height;
}catch(e){ // in case of CORS error fallback to canvas = this.width + "px"; // in CSS pixels not physical pixels = this.height + "px";
imageContainer.appendChild(canvas); // just use the canvas as it is an image as well
var url;
var img = new Image();
var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
img.src = url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(new Blob([svg], {type: 'image/svg+xml'}));
img.onload = svgAsImg;
<div id="svgContainer"><svg width="31" height="40" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 43 55" fill="#736b9e"><path d="m 40.713968,30.966202 c 0.0028,0.05559 -0.01078,0.114956 -0.044,0.178882 -1.545645,2.974287 -2.853499,5.591663 -4.339695,7.673668 -0.788573,1.104704 -2.095869,2.778673 -2.874223,3.773068 -0.994236,1.02684 -6.879641,7.657944 -6.167884,7.049648 -1.292899,1.235403 -5.717368,5.476022 -5.717368,5.476022 0,0 -4.323294,-3.985179 -5.928388,-5.591297 C 14.037321,47.920078 10.708239,43.994015 9.6976253,42.770306 8.6870114,41.546601 8.5086687,40.900753 6.8441265,38.818752 5.8958518,37.63265 4.1376268,34.24638 3.0745121,32.156026 2.9037625,31.86435 2.7398218,31.568267 2.5826899,31.268005 2.5509386,31.228498 2.5238331,31.18779 2.5044312,31.145084 2.4575955,31.041974 2.4164305,30.951055 2.3805569,30.87146 0.95511134,28.003558 0.15221914,24.771643 0.15221914,21.351725 c 0,-11.829154 9.58943056,-21.41858234 21.41858286,-21.41858234 11.829152,0 21.418583,9.58942834 21.418583,21.41858234 0,3.457576 -0.820406,6.72314 -2.275417,9.614477 z M 21.52596,1.5031489 c -10.866018,0 -19.6746717,8.8086521 -19.6746717,19.6746741 0,10.866016 8.8086537,19.674669 19.6746717,19.674669 10.866018,0 19.674672,-8.808648 19.674672,-19.674669 0,-10.866022 -8.808654,-19.6746741 -19.674672,-19.6746741 z" /><g transform="translate(6.5,6) scale(0.060546875)"><path d="M32 384h272v32H32zM400 384h80v32h-80zM384 447.5c0 17.949-14.327 32.5-32 32.5-17.673 0-32-14.551-32-32.5v-95c0-17.949 14.327-32.5 32-32.5 17.673 0 32 14.551 32 32.5v95z"></path><g><path d="M32 240h80v32H32zM208 240h272v32H208zM192 303.5c0 17.949-14.327 32.5-32 32.5-17.673 0-32-14.551-32-32.5v-95c0-17.949 14.327-32.5 32-32.5 17.673 0 32 14.551 32 32.5v95z"></path></g><g><path d="M32 96h272v32H32zM400 96h80v32h-80zM384 159.5c0 17.949-14.327 32.5-32 32.5-17.673 0-32-14.551-32-32.5v-95c0-17.949 14.327-32.5 32-32.5 17.673 0 32 14.551 32 32.5v95z"></path></g></g></svg>
<div id="imageContainer"></div>
大多数视力为 6/6(帝国国家为 20/20)的人很难看出 canvas 稍微模糊的显示与清晰的 DOM 之间的区别。你应该问问自己,你是否需要仔细观察才能确定?你能在正常观看距离看到模糊吗?
还有一些将显示缩放到 200% 的人出于充分的理由(视力受损)这样做,并且不会感谢您规避他们的设置。
我在将 SVG 渲染到 canvas 时遇到问题。在视网膜显示器上 canvas 呈现为 base64 url 并设置为 SRC 是模糊的。
- How do I fix blurry text in my HTML5 canvas?
- Canvas drawing and Retina display: doable?
现在我不知道我应该怎么做才能让它变得更好。 请查看我的结果
更新 fiddle 修复
视网膜和超高分辨率显示器的像素尺寸小于人眼所能分辨的平均像素尺寸。渲染一条线最终看起来像一条较浅的线。要修复检测到高分辨率显示的页面所涉及的问题,会将默认的 CSS 像素大小更改为 2。
DOM 知道这一点并调整其渲染以进行补偿。但是 Canvas 并不知道,它的渲染只是按比例放大了。 canvas 的默认显示渲染类型是双线性插值。这可以平滑从一个像素到下一个像素的过渡,这对照片来说非常有用,但对线条、文本、SVG 等来说就不是那么好了。
首先是关闭 canvas 上的双线性过滤。这可以通过 CSS 规则来完成
image-rendering: pixelated;
虽然这不会创建在 DOM 上呈现的 SVG 的质量,但它会减少一些用户体验的模糊外观。将 SVG 渲染到 canvas 时,您应该关闭图像平滑,因为这会降低 svg 图像的质量。 SVG 是在内部渲染的,当内部副本渲染到 canvas 上时不需要额外的平滑处理。
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
检测 CSS 像素大小。 window 变量
returns CSS 像素的大小与实际屏幕物理像素大小的比较。 Retina 和高分辨率设备的值通常为 2。然后您可以使用它来设置 canvas 分辨率以匹配物理像素分辨率。但是有一个问题,因为
并假设很少有人放大超过 200%。
if(devicePixelRatio >= 2){
canvas.width *= 2;
canvas.height *= 2;
既然您已经提高了分辨率,那么您还必须提高渲染大小。这可以通过 canvas 转换来完成,最好将其创建为一个函数。
function setCanvasForRetina(canvas){
canvas.width *= 2;
canvas.height *= 2;
Note I do not increase the pixel size by the value of "devicePixelRatio" This is because retina devices will only have a resolution of 2 times, if the aspect ratio is greater than 2 it is because the client has zoomed in. To honor the expected behaviour of the canvas I do not adjust for zoom setting if I can. Though that is not a rule just a suggestion.
Retina 显示屏目前针对一组固定的设备(手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑)提供一组固定的分辨率。
您可以查询 window.screen.width
和 window.screen.height
以确定绝对物理像素分辨率并将其与已知的视网膜显示器分辨率相匹配。您还可以查询 userAgent 以确定设备类型和品牌。
将它们放在一起可以改进猜测。下一个函数猜测显示器是否为视网膜。如果设备是视网膜设备,您可以使用类似于 determin 的东西,然后相应地增加 canvas 分辨率。
在 wiki Retina Display Models 找到以下代码的信息 如果您想保持最新,可以使用 Wiki 的 SPARQL 界面对这些信息进行机器查询。
演示猜 Retina。
rWidth.textContent = screen.width
rHeight.textContent = screen.height
aWidth.textContent = screen.availWidth
aHeight.textContent = screen.availHeight
pWidth.textContent = innerWidth
pHeight.textContent = innerHeight
dWidth.textContent = document.body.clientWidth
dHeight.textContent = document.body.clientHeight
//doWidth.textContent = document.body.offsetWidth
//doHeight.textContent = document.body.offsetHeight
//sWidth.textContent = document.body.scrollWidth
//sHeight.textContent = document.body.scrollHeight
pAspect.textContent = devicePixelRatio
userA.textContent = navigator.userAgent
function isRetina(){
// source
var knownRetinaResolutions = [[272,340], [312,390], [960,640], [1136,640 ], [1334,750 ], [1920,1080], [2048,1536], [2732,2048], [2304,1440], [2560,1600], [2880,1800], [4096,2304], [5120,2880]];
var knownPhones = [[960,640], [1136,640 ], [1334,750 ], [1920,1080]];
var knownPads = [[2048,1536], [2732,2048]];
var knownBooks = [[2304,1440], [2560,1600], [2880,1800], [4096,2304], [5120,2880]];
var hasRetinaRes = knownRetinaResolutions.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isACrapple = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod|Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPhoneRes = knownPhones.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPhone = /iPhone/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPadRes = knownPads.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPad = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasBookRes = knownBooks.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isBook = /Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var isAgentMatchingRes = (isBook && hasBookRes && !isPad && !isPhone) ||
(isPad && hasPadRes && !isBook && !isPhone) ||
(isPhone && hasPhoneRes && !isBook && !isPad)
return devicePixelRatio >= 2 &&
isACrapple &&
hasRetinaRes &&
guess.textContent = isRetina() ? "Yes" : "No";
div, h1, span {
font-family : arial;
span {
font-weight : bold
<div class="r-display" id="info">
<h1>System info</h1>
<div>Device resolution :
<span id = "rWidth"></span> by <span id = "rHeight"></span> pixels
<div>Availabe resolution :
<span id = "aWidth"></span> by <span id = "aHeight"></span> pixels
<div>Page resolution :
<span id = "pWidth"></span> by <span id = "pHeight"> </span> CSS pixels
<div>Document client res :
<span id = "dWidth"></span> by <span id = "dHeight"> </span> CSS pixels
<div>Pixel aspect :
<span id = "pAspect"></span>
<div>User agent :
<span id="userA"></span>
<h3>Best guess is retina "<span id = "guess"></span>!"</h3>
这可能会如您所愿。因为我不拥有任何苹果产品,所以除了在 isRetina 上强制为 true 之外,我无法对其进行测试。
function isRetina() {
// source
var knownRetinaResolutions = [[272, 340], [312, 390], [960, 640], [1136, 640], [1334, 750], [1920, 1080], [2048, 1536], [2732, 2048], [2304, 1440], [2560, 1600], [2880, 1800], [4096, 2304], [5120, 2880]];
var knownPhones = [[960, 640], [1136, 640], [1334, 750], [1920, 1080]];
var knownPads = [[2048, 1536], [2732, 2048]];
var knownBooks = [[2304, 1440], [2560, 1600], [2880, 1800], [4096, 2304], [5120, 2880]];
var hasRetinaRes = knownRetinaResolutions.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isACrapple = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod|Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPhoneRes = knownPhones.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPhone = /iPhone/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasPadRes = knownPads.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isPad = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var hasBookRes = knownBooks.some(known => known[0] === screen.width && known[1] === screen.height);
var isBook = /Mac OS X|MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var isAgentMatchingRes = (isBook && hasBookRes && !isPad && !isPhone) ||
(isPad && hasPadRes && !isBook && !isPhone) ||
(isPhone && hasPhoneRes && !isBook && !isPad);
return devicePixelRatio >= 2 && isACrapple && hasRetinaRes && isAgentMatchingRes;
function svgToImage(svg){
function svgAsImg() {
var canvas, ctx;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var scale = 1;
width *= 2;
height *= 2;
scale = 2;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
ctx.setTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0);
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; // SVG rendering is better with smoothing off
var image = new Image();
image.src = canvas.toDataURL();
image.width = this.width;
image.height = this.height;
}catch(e){ // in case of CORS error fallback to canvas = this.width + "px"; // in CSS pixels not physical pixels = this.height + "px";
imageContainer.appendChild(canvas); // just use the canvas as it is an image as well
var url;
var img = new Image();
var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
img.src = url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(new Blob([svg], {type: 'image/svg+xml'}));
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