Oozie 重试间隔中使用的时间单位是什么

What is the time unit used in Oozie retry-interval

在为 Oozie 操作设置配置时,可以允许最大重试次数 retry-max,并且 Oozie 将在预定义的时间 retry-interval 后执行重试。 在 Oozie 文档中,我找不到用于此间隔的时间单位。是 seconds/minutes/...?

来源:User-Retry for Workflow Actions

Since Oozie 4.3, User-retry allows user to mention retry policy. The value for policy can be periodic or exponential , periodic being the default. Oozie administrator can define user retry policy for all workflow actions by adding this configuration oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.policy to oozie.site.xml . This value will be considered as user retry policy after system restart. This value can be overridden while defining actions in workflow xml if needed. The retry-interval should be specified in minutes.