
What is the reference of the object that a partial function matches on?


def receive = {
  case "test" => log.info("received test")
  case _      => log.info("received unknown message")


你可以用 if-guard:

def receive: String => Unit = {
  case str if str == "test" => println(str)
  case _ => println("other")

Option("test").map(receive) // prints "test"
Option("foo").map(receive) // prints "other"

请注意,如果您有一个要引用的对象,那么例如foo: Foo(s) 不会工作(foo: Foo 会,但是你失去了对 Foo 值 s 的引用)。在这种情况下,您需要使用 @ 运算符:

case class Foo(s: String)

def receive: Foo => Unit = {
  case foo@Foo(s) => println(foo.s) // could've referred to just "s" too
  case _ => println("other")

Option(Foo("test")).map(receive) // prints "test"


def receive = {
  case "test" => log.info("received test")
  case other  => log.info("received unknown message: " + other)