忽略 ShouldBeEquivalentTo 中的内部属性

Ignore internal properties in ShouldBeEquivalentTo

有没有办法在执行 ShouldBeEquivalentTo 时忽略 class 的内部属性?

例如,在下面的 class 中,我想从对象图比较中排除元数据 属性。

public class SomeObject 
    Public string SomeString { get; set; }
    internal MetaData MetaData { get; set; }


someObject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(someOtherObject, options =>     
    options.Excluding(info => info.SelectedMemberPath == "MetaData")

因为我可能有超过 1 个内部 属性 并且为所有这些属性设置它会很乏味。


Represents a rule that defines which members of the subject-under-test to include while comparing two objects for structural equality.

实现此接口允许一次排除所有 内部 属性(其中 IsAssembly 属性 是 true):

  internal class AllExceptNonPublicPropertiesSelectionRule : IMemberSelectionRule
    public bool IncludesMembers
      get { return false; }

    public IEnumerable<SelectedMemberInfo> SelectMembers(
      IEnumerable<SelectedMemberInfo> selectedMembers,
      ISubjectInfo context,
      IEquivalencyAssertionOptions config)
      return selectedMembers.Except(
          .Where(p => p.GetMethod.IsAssembly)


  someObject.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(someOtherObject, options => options.Using(
    new AllExceptNonPublicPropertiesSelectionRule()));