DBIX::Class 子class 结果 class

DBIX::Class subclassing result class

我正在尝试对 DBIX::Class 中的多个结果 class 使用公共基数 class。原因是 - 我有几个结构相同但名称不同的表。


use utf8;
package myapp::Schema::tablebase;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';


  { data_type => "smallint", is_nullable => 0 }

  #, ... and lot more


package myapp::Schema::Result::ActualTable;
use base 'myapp::Schema::tablebase';
 # Correct table name



我收到的错误是 -

DBIx::Class::Schema::catch {...} (): 尝试 load_namespaces() class myapp::Schema::Result::ActualTable 失败 - 你确定这是一个真正的结果类?:无法通过包 "myapp::Schema::Result::ActualTable" 在 C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm 第 195 行找到对象方法 "result_source_instance"。在 C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/myapp/Schema.pm

这应该行得通,也许是因为您的基础 class 末尾缺少真正的 return 值 (1;)?

如果您更喜欢更简洁的解决方案,也可以使用 DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::SubClass 解决您的基础 class 可能已经定义的关系。

以下是我对方法 "subclass" 和 "generate_relationships" 所做的更改,以保留全局表和客户端特定表之间的各种关系。此外,我还必须从全局到许多客户端特定表中删除反向关系。

sub subclass {
   my $self = shift;
   my $client_id = shift;

sub generate_relationships {
  my $self = shift;
  my $client_id = shift;
  my ($namespace) = get_namespace_parts($self);
  foreach my $rel ($self->relationships) {
    my $rel_info = $self->relationship_info($rel);
    my $class = $rel_info->{class};

    assert_similar_namespaces($self, $class);
    my (undef, $result) = get_namespace_parts($class);

    eval "require $class";
    # relation of self with global table e.g. person to zipcode or guarantor2 to person
    # Copy relation as is 
    if($class->is_global == 1){
    # relation with client specific table e.g. patient2 has many guarantor2, person has many guarantor2
    # skip if self is global (   person has many guarantor2/3/4 etc)
      if($client_id ne ''){        
    # need client id mention in result class with which self is related

对于每个子类,我将 client_id 作为参数传递,这对于全局表是空白的。