Certbot /.well-known/acme-challenge

Certbot /.well-known/acme-challenge

我应该让 /.well-known/acme-challenge 始终暴露在服务器上吗? 这是我的 HTTP 配置:

server {
 listen 80;

 location '/.well-known/acme-challenge' {
    root        /var/www/demo;

 location / {
          if ($scheme = http) {
            return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

这基本上将所有请求重定向到 https,除了 acme-challenge(用于自动更新)。我的问题:将位置 '/.well-known/acme-challenge' 始终暴露在端口 80 上可以吗?或者最好手动 comment/uncomment 它,什么时候需要重新颁发证书?这有什么安全问题吗?


Acme 挑战 link 只需要验证域到此 IP 地址


证书签署后,您无需再保留令牌。但是,保留它也没有太大害处,因为 explained by a Certbot engineer:

The token is part of a particular challenge which is no longer active, from the ACME server's point of view, after the server has tried to validate it. It would reveal a little bit of information about how you get certificates, but should not allow someone else to issue certificates for your site or impersonate you.


Yes, “well-known” folder is automatically created by cPanel in order to validate your domain for AutoSSL purposes. AutoSSL is an added feature of cPanel/WHM which offer you free SSL certificate for your domains, its also known as self-signed SSL certificate. The folder .well-known created while the time of the domain validation process as a part of AutoSSL installation

And it is not the file that needs to be removed, It does not cause any issue.