
How to write a n-ary negator?


一元否定符示例 (not1):

class Even
    bool operator() (const int& x) const { return x % 2 == 0; }
    typedef int argument_type;

int values[] = { 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 };

int even = count_if(values, values + 9, Even());
int odd = count_if(values, values + 9, not1(Even())); // <= unary negator
cout << "We have " << even << " even elements in the array.\n";
cout << "We have " << odd  << " odd elements in the array.\n";


We have 4 even elements in the array.
We have 5 odd elements in the array.

二元否定符示例 (not2):

int values[] = { 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 };

// original array
for (int i : values)
    cout << i << " ";
cout << "\n";

// array in ascending order
sort(values, values + 9, less<int>());

for (int i : values)
    cout << i << " ";
cout << "\n";

// array in descending order
sort(values, values + 9, not2(less<int>())); // <= binary negator

for (int i : values)
    cout << i << " ";
cout << "\n\n";


9 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

n元否定符 (not3, not4, not5 ... notn) ?

假设我需要计算集合(可能是数组)中不在 两个数字(下限和上限)之间的元素数量。


int elems_betweem = count_if(values, values + n, not3(bind(Between<int>(), _1, lowerValue, upperValue)));


如何编写 not3 否定符?

更重要的是,我们是否有一个通用的 not 作为 not1not2 的替代品,就像 bind vs bind1stbind2nd ?


因为 C++17 std::not_fn 将可用:

auto between = [](int value, int lowerValue, int upperValue) {
    return lowerValue < value && value < upperValue;

int elems_between = std::count_if(std::cbegin(values), std::cend(values),
    std::bind(std::not_fn(between), std::placeholders::_1, lowerValue, upperValue));

wandbox example

How do I write the not3 negator?

符合 C++03 的示例:

template<class Pred>
class ternary_predicate {
    Pred pred;
    ternary_predicate(Pred pred): pred(pred){}

    template<class A, class B, class C>
    operator()(A const& a, B const& b, C const& c) const {
        return !pred(a, b, c);

template<class Pred>
not3(Pred pred) {
    return ternary_predicate<Pred>(pred);

Even more, do we have a generic not as a replacer of not1 and not2 in the same way as bind vs bind1st and bind2nd ?

一旦 C++17 正式发布,我们会的。建议引入 std::not_fn 来替代 std::not1std::not2,后者将被弃用。


template<class Pred>
not_fn(Pred&& pred) {
    return [pred=std::forward<Pred>(pred)](auto&&... args){
        return !pred(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);


template <typename T>
struct not_func
    template <typename...Args>
    constexpr bool operator()(const Args&...args) const { return !T{}(args...); }


int main()

    bool a1 = std::less<int>{}(1, 2);
    bool a2 = not_func<std::less<int>>{}(1, 2);

    bool b1 = Even{}(1);
    bool b2 = not_func<Even>{}(1);

        << "a1 = " << (a1 ? "true" : "false") << "\n"
        << "a2 = " << (a2 ? "true" : "false") << "\n"
        << "b1 = " << (b1 ? "true" : "false") << "\n"
        << "b2 = " << (b2 ? "true" : "false") << "\n";

[On Coliru] [On Godbolt]
