致命的 JavaScript 错误?
A fatal JavaScript error?
我想知道如何解决我在 phpMyAdmin 中对我的表应用规范化时不断收到的错误。当我尝试完成规范化过程的 3NF 时,它只会在屏幕底部弹出。
有人也发布了关于此错误的类似问题,但他们的报告代码完全不同。我感谢可以提供的任何帮助!这是来自 phpMyAdmin UI
的错误的 link
"pma_version": "",
"browser_name": "CHROME",
"browser_version": "51.0.2704.79",
"user_os": "Win",
"server_software": "Apache/2.4.23 (Win64) PHP/7.0.10",
"user_agent_string": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393",
"locale": "en",
"configuration_storage": "disabled",
"php_version": "7.0.10",
"exception_type": "js",
"exception": {
"mode": "stack",
"name": "TypeError",
"message": "Unable to get property 'newTables' of undefined or null reference",
"stack": [
"line": 235,
"func": "",
"context": [
" lastException = null;",
" notifyHandlers.apply(null, [stack, null].concat(args));",
" }",
" }, (stack.incomplete ? 2000 : 0));",
" throw ex; // re-throw to propagate to the top level (and cause wind//...",
" }",
" report.subscribe = subscribe;",
" report.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;",
" return report;"
"column": "",
"filename": "tracekit/tracekit.js"
"func": "new_func",
"line": 249,
"column": "21",
"context": [
" */",
" wrap_function: function (func) {",
" if (!func.wrapped) {",
" var new_func = function () {",
" try {",
" return func.apply(this, arguments);",
" } catch (x) {",
" TraceKit.report(x);",
" }",
" };",
" new_func.wrapped = true;"
"filename": "error_report.js"
"func": "n.event.dispatch",
"line": 3,
"column": "6410",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v2.1.4 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/lic//...",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"return M.access(a,b,c)},removeData:function(a,b){M.remove(a,b)},_data:funct//...",
"void 0===c?d&&\"get\"in d&&null!==(e=d.get(a,b))?e:(e=n.find.attr(a,b),null==//...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"
"func": "$event.dispatch",
"line": 374,
"column": "2",
"context": [
"$event.dispatch = function( event ){",
"\tif ( $.data( this, \"suppress.\"+ event.type ) - new Date().getTime() > 0 ){",
"\t\t$.removeData( this, \"suppress.\"+ event.type );",
"\treturn $dispatch.apply( this, arguments );",
"// event fix hooks for touch events...",
"var touchHooks = ",
"$event.fixHooks.touchstart = "
"filename": "jquery/jquery.event.drag-2.2.js"
"func": "r.handle",
"line": 3,
"column": "3176",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v2.1.4 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/lic//...",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"return M.access(a,b,c)},removeData:function(a,b){M.remove(a,b)},_data:funct//...",
"void 0===c?d&&\"get\"in d&&null!==(e=d.get(a,b))?e:(e=n.find.attr(a,b),null==//...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393",
"incomplete": "false",
"partial": "true",
"uri": "normalization.php?goto=tbl_structure.php&back=tbl_structure.php"
"script_name": "normalization.php",
"microhistory": null
由于我遇到了类似的 JavaScript 错误,我相信您实际上已经发现了我在 https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/12927
上报告的 phpMyAdmin 错误
@IsaacBennetch 说得对,我也认为这是那个包中的一个错误 (4.6.x)。
Upgrading phpMyAdmin to 4.7.0 resolved similar issue faced.
正在升级 phpMyAdmin:
How to upgrade phpMyAdmin in XAMPP to latest?
Copy new files to phpMyAdmin directory
我想知道如何解决我在 phpMyAdmin 中对我的表应用规范化时不断收到的错误。当我尝试完成规范化过程的 3NF 时,它只会在屏幕底部弹出。
有人也发布了关于此错误的类似问题,但他们的报告代码完全不同。我感谢可以提供的任何帮助!这是来自 phpMyAdmin UI
的错误的 link{
"pma_version": "",
"browser_name": "CHROME",
"browser_version": "51.0.2704.79",
"user_os": "Win",
"server_software": "Apache/2.4.23 (Win64) PHP/7.0.10",
"user_agent_string": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393",
"locale": "en",
"configuration_storage": "disabled",
"php_version": "7.0.10",
"exception_type": "js",
"exception": {
"mode": "stack",
"name": "TypeError",
"message": "Unable to get property 'newTables' of undefined or null reference",
"stack": [
"line": 235,
"func": "",
"context": [
" lastException = null;",
" notifyHandlers.apply(null, [stack, null].concat(args));",
" }",
" }, (stack.incomplete ? 2000 : 0));",
" throw ex; // re-throw to propagate to the top level (and cause wind//...",
" }",
" report.subscribe = subscribe;",
" report.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;",
" return report;"
"column": "",
"filename": "tracekit/tracekit.js"
"func": "new_func",
"line": 249,
"column": "21",
"context": [
" */",
" wrap_function: function (func) {",
" if (!func.wrapped) {",
" var new_func = function () {",
" try {",
" return func.apply(this, arguments);",
" } catch (x) {",
" TraceKit.report(x);",
" }",
" };",
" new_func.wrapped = true;"
"filename": "error_report.js"
"func": "n.event.dispatch",
"line": 3,
"column": "6410",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v2.1.4 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/lic//...",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"return M.access(a,b,c)},removeData:function(a,b){M.remove(a,b)},_data:funct//...",
"void 0===c?d&&\"get\"in d&&null!==(e=d.get(a,b))?e:(e=n.find.attr(a,b),null==//...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"
"func": "$event.dispatch",
"line": 374,
"column": "2",
"context": [
"$event.dispatch = function( event ){",
"\tif ( $.data( this, \"suppress.\"+ event.type ) - new Date().getTime() > 0 ){",
"\t\t$.removeData( this, \"suppress.\"+ event.type );",
"\treturn $dispatch.apply( this, arguments );",
"// event fix hooks for touch events...",
"var touchHooks = ",
"$event.fixHooks.touchstart = "
"filename": "jquery/jquery.event.drag-2.2.js"
"func": "r.handle",
"line": 3,
"column": "3176",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v2.1.4 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/lic//...",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"return M.access(a,b,c)},removeData:function(a,b){M.remove(a,b)},_data:funct//...",
"void 0===c?d&&\"get\"in d&&null!==(e=d.get(a,b))?e:(e=n.find.attr(a,b),null==//...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393",
"incomplete": "false",
"partial": "true",
"uri": "normalization.php?goto=tbl_structure.php&back=tbl_structure.php"
"script_name": "normalization.php",
"microhistory": null
由于我遇到了类似的 JavaScript 错误,我相信您实际上已经发现了我在 https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/12927
上报告的 phpMyAdmin 错误@IsaacBennetch 说得对,我也认为这是那个包中的一个错误 (4.6.x)。
Upgrading phpMyAdmin to 4.7.0 resolved similar issue faced.
正在升级 phpMyAdmin:
How to upgrade phpMyAdmin in XAMPP to latest?
Copy new files to phpMyAdmin directory