创建日历,即使关闭 iCloud 也没有本地资源

Create Calendar, no local source even with iCloud off



let newCalendar = EKCalendar(for: .event, eventStore: eventStore)

newCalendar.title = "Some Calendar Name"

let sourcesInEventStore = eventStore.sources

newCalendar.source = sourcesInEventStore.filter{
            (source: EKSource) -> Bool in
            source.sourceType.rawValue == EKSourceType.local.rawValue

我的 iCloud 已完全关闭,但仍然无法获取本地资源。

我也在尝试让它在打开 iCloud 的情况下工作,我想出了这段代码,但它不起作用

for let source in eventStore.sources
            if(source.sourceType == EKSourceType.calDAV && source.title == "iCloud")
                newCalendar.source = source

        if(newCalendar.source == nil)
            for let source2 in eventStore.sources
                if(source2.sourceType == EKSourceType.local)
                    newCalendar.source = source2


您的代码正在崩溃,因为您 force-unwrapping first 来自一个空数组。以下是确保 EKSource 对象数组 returns 为 non-empty 数组的一些建议。

首先,要求用户在 EKEventStore 实例上使用 requestAccess(to:) 访问他们的日历。其次,使用 if let 从过滤后的数组中解包一个潜在的可选值:

let eventStore = EKEventStore()

eventStore.requestAccess(to: .event) { (granted, error) in
    if granted {
        let newCalendar = EKCalendar(for: .event, eventStore: eventStore)

        newCalendar.title = "Some Calendar Name"

        let sourcesInEventStore = eventStore.sources

        let filteredSources = sourcesInEventStore.filter { [=10=].sourceType == .local }

        if let localSource = filteredSources.first {
            newCalendar.source = localSource
        } else {
            // Somehow, the local calendar was not found, handle error accordingly

    } else {
        // check error and alert the user