csh 中 modpath 的 bash 等价物是什么?

What is the bash equivalent of `modpath` in csh?


modpath: Command not found.

我怀疑这是因为 modpath 是一个 csh 命令,但不是 bash 的正确语法。所以,我想知道它在 bash 中的等价物是什么。谢谢!

modpath - change global search path for dynamically loadable kernel modules

modpath allows users with appropriate privilege to modify the global search path used to locate object files for dynamically loadable kernel modules. The search path modifications take effect immediately and affect all subsequent loads for all users on the system.

pathname may be either a colon-separated list of absolute pathnames or NULL. If the former, these path names represent directories which should be searched for all autoloads of loadable kernel modules and for demand loads (see modload(2)) where the module is given by a simple file name. This list of directories will be prepended to the existing list of directories and so will be searched before any directories given in previous calls to modpath and before the default location which is always searched last. The directories do not have to exist on the system at the time modpath is called, or when a load actually takes place. If pathname is equal to NULL, the global search path is set back to its initial default value, /stand/dlkm/mod.d.

Notes: modpath is currently implemented as a macro.


根据问题中现在包含的文档,modpath$PATH 无关,也不特定于 csh、bash 或任何其他 shell.

在我的系统 (Ubuntu 16.10) 上,没有该名称的命令、系统调用或库函数,而且似乎没有提供它的可安装包。您引用的文档是针对 HP-UX 的,这是一种不同的 UNIX 风格。我怀疑这是一个只存在于 HP-UX.


既然您已经能够从 csh 调用 modpath,那么可能有一个命令是系统调用的某种包装器,尽管文档是针对系统调用本身的,而不是针对命令的。


which modpath

来自 csh。如果这为您提供了命令的完整路径,那么您可以从 bash 使用该完整路径来调用该命令,或者您可以将适当的目录添加到您的 $PATH。 (您很可能在 csh 中对 $PATH 与 bash 进行了不同的设置。)