将 iOS 个应用上传至 App Store,并提供多种语言的应用预览视频

Upload iOS app to App Store with App Preview video in multiple languages

我发现 App Store 界面不允许我上传应用主要语言以外的语言的应用预览视频。真的吗?我错过了什么吗?

如果是那样的话,就没有意义了。每个人都需要用 his/her 自己的语言观看视频!为什么将应用预览视频中的语言限制为一种?

有什么解决方法吗?我们已经拍摄了一位女演员用不同语言交谈的 30 秒视频。我们从未想过苹果会施加如此愚蠢的限制。

Submitting App Previews Just like screenshots, each app preview is device-specific and requires an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple TV to view and submit. Please note that you may only submit a single set of app previews in one language localization. For detailed technical specifications and step-by-step instructions on how to submit app previews, read the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.



2.3.4 Previews are a great way for customers to see what your app looks like and what it does. To ensure people understand what they’ll be getting with your app, previews may only use video screen captures of the app itself. Stickers and iMessage extensions may show the user experience in the Messages app. You can add narration and video or textual overlays to help explain anything that isn’t clear from the video alone.

目前似乎无法指定本地化的 App Preview。

来自 Apple 的 iTunes Connect Developer Guide 文档:

The app preview you upload will be visible for all localizations.

this 来自 Apple 的 App Preview 开发者概览页面...

Consider that your app preview is available in one language worldwide. Narration may not be appropriate in apps marketed globally. If you decide to use narration in your app preview, we recommend working with a professional voiceover actor. This is the voice of your app—make sure it resonates.

但是您可以指定本地化 "metadata, keywords and screenshots".


Displaying on the Store in More Than One Language (Optional)

After you create an iTunes Connect record for your app, you can add the information for your primary localization and add additional localizations.

For example, if you created the iTunes Connect record for your app with the primary language English, stores in all territories display information for the app in English. If you now upload metadata, keywords, and screenshots in French, users whose language is set to French or who are located in a territory that includes French (and not English) as a supported language see the French metadata instead of the English metadata. Your app is also searchable in all French-language stores by the localized keywords. In other store territories, the primary language, in this case English, appears.

如果没有看到您的 App Preview 的内容(或对您的应用了解更多),很难提出进一步的建议。也就是说,我能想到的是真正的权衡,不会利用您已经制作的多个视频。


  • 选择最能代表您客户群的视频。例如,如果您的主要客户在德国,请选择德语视频。

  • 将语音旁白替换为文字注释(可能在同一场景中显示不同语言的文字)

  • 使用本地化的屏幕截图

  • 选择一个视频作为您的应用程序预览(适用于所有本地化)并将所有视频托管在一个网站上,并在 "Developer's Website"

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