FreeRTOS 队列结构 C

FreeRTOS Queue Struct C

我不明白如何声明可用于在 FreeRTOS 中的两个线程之间发送数据的结构。



在我的 main.c 文件中,我声明了结构并声明了队列和队列句柄: 在 int main(void) 之前:

xQueueHandle LED_Queue_Handle, ChannelFreqQueue;

    struct AMessage
        uint8_t channelID;
        float channelFreq;

在 main 中我创建队列

ChannelFreqQueue = xQueueCreate(2, sizeof(struct AMessage *));


static void StopCompThread(void const *argument)
    uint32_t count=0;
    uint8_t ActiveChannel =0;
    uint16_t uartcount =0;
    const float period = 0.0085;
    static float frequency = 0;

    for (;;)
        struct AMessage txIdrisData;

        if(xSemaphoreTake(OscStopSem, portMAX_DELAY))       // Timer 17 Callback 8.5ms
                    count = __HAL_TIM_GetCounter(&htim3);

                            uint16_t pinstatus = (uint16_t)GPIOB->ODR & 0x2000;
                            if (pinstatus == 0)
                                ActiveChannel = 0x01;
                            else ActiveChannel = 0x02;

                            if (uartcount == 525)
                                txIdrisData.channelID = ActiveChannel;
                                txIdrisData.channelFreq = frequency;

                                xQueueSend(ChannelFreqQueue, (void *) &txIdrisData,portMAX_DELAY); 



    } //FORever

} // StopCompThread


static void IDRISThread(void const *argument)
        struct AMessage rxIdrisData;    

        float temp = 0.0;
        uint8_t channel = 0;
        char IdrisDataBuf[11] = {0}; // 3 Bytes x 4 channels = 12 Bytes
        uint8_t IdrisStatusByte = 0;

        for (;;)
          xQueueReceive( ChannelFreqQueue, &( rxIdrisData ), portMAX_DELAY );

            temp = rxIdrisData.channelFreq;
            channel = rxIdrisData.channelID;

            temp = temp * 1000;

            snprintf(IdrisDataBuf, 2, "%.0f",temp); // Channel Data - Counts/Frequency

            if (channel == 0x00)
                IdrisDataBuf[2] = 0x00;
            if (channel == 0x01)
                IdrisDataBuf[2] = 0x01;

            uart_send(IdrisDataBuf, 12);

        } //FORever

    } // IDRISThread

我确定我对如何声明和使用结构有误解,而且我混淆了指针和非指针。我尝试使用此 API 文档作为参考:



ChannelFreqQueue = xQueueCreate(2, sizeof(struct AMessage *));

创建 2 个指向 struct AMessage 结构的指针元素。 你需要的是 struct AMessage

的 2 元素数组
ChannelFreqQueue = xQueueCreate(2, sizeof(struct AMessage));

为什么不直接队列结构,而不是指针结构,会简单很多。阅读 FreeRTOS Queues documentation page and see the "Alternatives To Using Queue Sets" section half way down the Queue Sets 页面上的简介。