测试 Kafka Streams 拓扑

Test Kafka Streams topology

我正在寻找一种测试 Kafka Streams 应用程序的方法。这样我就可以定义输入事件,测试套件会向我显示输出。

如果没有真正的 Kafka 设置,这可能吗?

您可以只 运行 本地的单个 Zookeeper 和代理来测试 Kafka Streams 应用程序。


另请查看此 Kafka Streams 示例(在 JavaDocs 中有详细的演练说明):

  1. 当您询问是否可以在没有真正的 Kafka 设置的情况下测试 Kafka Streams 应用程序时,您可以在 Scala 中尝试这个 Mocked Streams 库。 Mocked Streams 1.0 是 Scala >= 2.11.8 的库,它允许您 unit-test 处理 Kafka Streams 应用程序的拓扑结构(自 Apache Kafka >=0.10.1 起),无需 Zookeeper 和 Kafka Brokers。 参考:

  2. 您还可以使用 scalatest-embedded-kafka 这是一个库,它为 运行 您的 ScalaTest 规范提供 in-memory Kafka 代理。它使用 Kafka 和 ZooKeeper 3.4.8.


您应该检查 Kafka 单元 here


KafkaUnit kafkaUnitServer = new KafkaUnit();
KeyedMessage<String, String> keyedMessage = new KeyedMessage<>(testTopic, "key", "value");


List<String> messages = kafkaUnitServer.readMessages(testTopic, 1);

这实际上启动了一个嵌入式 kafka,可帮助您将所需的一切包含在测试中。

您可以更高级一点,将嵌入式 kafka 设置为 setup() 方法(或 Spock 中的 setupSpec()),并在 teardown() 中停止嵌入式 kafka。


import com.madewithtea.mockedstreams.MockedStreams

val input = Seq(("x", "v1"), ("y", "v2"))
val exp = Seq(("x", "V1"), ("y", "V2"))
val strings = Serdes.String()

  .topology { builder => [...] }
  .input("topic-in", strings, strings, input)
  .output("topic-out", strings, strings, exp.size) shouldEqual exp


更新 Kafka 1.1.0(2018 年 3 月 23 日发布):

KIP-247 added official test utils. Per the Upgrade Guide:

There is a new artifact kafka-streams-test-utils providing a TopologyTestDriver, ConsumerRecordFactory, and OutputVerifier class. You can include the new artifact as a regular dependency to your unit tests and use the test driver to test your business logic of your Kafka Streams application. For more details, see KIP-247.




    // Create your topology
    Topology topology = new Topology();
    Properties config = new Properties();
    config.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "test");
    config.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "dummy:1234");

    // Run it on the test driver
    TopologyTestDriver testDriver = new TopologyTestDriver(topology, config);

    // Feed input data
    ConsumerRecordFactory<String, Integer> factory = new ConsumerRecordFactory<>("input-topic", new StringSerializer(), new IntegerSerializer());
    testDriver.pipe(factory.create("key", 42L));

    // Verify output
    ProducerRecord<String, Integer> outputRecord = testDriver.readOutput("output-topic", new StringDeserializer(), new LongDeserializer());

详情见the documentation

ProcessorTopologyTestDriver 从 开始可用。它在 kafka-streams 测试工件中可用(在 Maven 中用 <classifier>test</classifier> 指定):


您还需要添加 kafka-clients 测试工件:


然后就可以使用测试驱动了。根据 Javadoc,首先创建一个 ProcessorTopologyTestDriver:

    StringSerializer strSerializer = new StringSerializer();
    StringDeserializer strDeserializer = new StringDeserializer();
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9091");
    props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, CustomTimestampExtractor.class.getName());
    props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, strSerializer.getClass().getName());
    props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, strDeserializer.getClass().getName());
    props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, strSerializer.getClass().getName());
    props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, strDeserializer.getClass().getName());
    StreamsConfig config = new StreamsConfig(props);
    TopologyBuilder builder = ...
    ProcessorTopologyTestDriver driver = new ProcessorTopologyTestDriver(config, builder);


    driver.process("input-topic", "key1", "value1", strSerializer, strSerializer);


    ProducerRecord<String, String> record1 = driver.readOutput("output-topic-1", strDeserializer, strDeserializer);
    ProducerRecord<String, String> record2 = driver.readOutput("output-topic-1", strDeserializer, strDeserializer);
    ProducerRecord<String, String> record3 = driver.readOutput("output-topic-2", strDeserializer, strDeserializer);


Spring kafka 支持使用嵌入式 kafka 进行单元测试,请参阅

此外,kafka 团队正在努力发布流的测试驱动程序

如果你想测试一个使用 Processor APIKafka Stream 拓扑, may not work properly. So after a few hours of researching in the Javadocs and official docs 提供的代码我想出了一个工作代码来测试你的自定义处理器已使用 JUnit.

public class TopologySpec {

private TopologyTestDriver testDriver;

public void setup() {
    // Processor API
    Topology topology = new Topology();
    topology.addSource("sourceProcessor", "input-topic");
    // In this case, 'EventProcessor' is a custom processor
    // that I implemented and I want to test
    topology.addProcessor("processor", EventProcessor::new, "sourceProcessor");
    topology.addSink("sinkProcessor", "output-topic", "processor");

    // Setup test driver
    Properties config = new Properties();
    config.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "test");
    config.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "dummy:1234");
    // EventProcessor is a <String,String> processor 
    // so we set those serders
    config.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass());
    config.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass());
    testDriver = new TopologyTestDriver(topology, config);

public void tearDown() {
    testDriver.close(); // Close processors after finish the tests

public void firstTest() {
    // Simulate a producer that sends the message "value,val" without key
    ConsumerRecordFactory factory =
            new ConsumerRecordFactory(new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer());

    testDriver.pipeInput(factory.create("input-topic", "value,val"));

    // Simulate a consumer that reads from the output topic 
    // where are supposed to be the messages after being processed
    // by your custom processor
    ProducerRecord<String, String> record1 =
            testDriver.readOutput("output-topic", new StringDeserializer(), new StringDeserializer());

    // Compare the output to ensure that your custom processor
    // is working properly. In this case, my processor consumes
    // the message, concatenates ":::processed" to it, and
    // push it to the output-topic
    OutputVerifier.compareValue(record1, "value,val:::processed");