从 scipy.interpolate.splrep 获取三次样条的系数

Getting coefficients of a cubic spline from scipy.interpolate.splrep

我正在使用 scipy.interpolate.splrep 进行三次样条插值,如下所示:

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
y = np.sin(x)

tck = scipy.interpolate.splrep(x, y, task=0, s=0)
F   = scipy.interpolate.PPoly.from_spline(tck)

我打印 t 和 c:

print F.x

array([  0.        ,   0.        ,   0.        ,   0.        ,
     2.22222222,   3.33333333,   4.44444444,   5.55555556,
     6.66666667,   7.77777778,  10.        ,  10.        ,
    10.        ,  10.        ])

print F.c

array([[ -1.82100357e-02,  -1.82100357e-02,  -1.82100357e-02,
     -1.82100357e-02,   1.72952212e-01,   1.26008293e-01,
     -4.93704109e-02,  -1.71230879e-01,  -1.08680287e-01,
      1.00658224e-01,   1.00658224e-01,   1.00658224e-01,
   [ -3.43151441e-01,  -3.43151441e-01,  -3.43151441e-01,
     -3.43151441e-01,  -4.64551679e-01,   1.11955696e-01,
      5.31983340e-01,   3.67415303e-01,  -2.03354294e-01,
     -5.65621916e-01,   1.05432909e-01,   1.05432909e-01,
   [  1.21033389e+00,   1.21033389e+00,   1.21033389e+00,
      1.21033389e+00,  -5.84561936e-01,  -9.76335250e-01,
     -2.60847433e-01,   7.38484392e-01,   9.20774403e-01,
      6.63563923e-02,  -9.56285846e-01,  -9.56285846e-01,
   [ -4.94881722e-18,  -4.94881722e-18,  -4.94881722e-18,
     -4.94881722e-18,   7.95220057e-01,  -1.90567963e-01,
     -9.64317117e-01,  -6.65101515e-01,   3.74151231e-01,
      9.97097891e-01,  -5.44021111e-01,  -5.44021111e-01,

所以我提供了 x 数组:

array([  0.        ,   1.11111111,   2.22222222,   3.33333333,
     4.44444444,   5.55555556,   6.66666667,   7.77777778,
     8.88888889,  10.        ])

Q.1:F.x(结)与原始 x 数组不同并且具有重复值(可能强制一阶导数为零?)。 F.x 中还缺少 x (1.11111111, 8.88888889) 中的某些值。有什么想法吗?

Q.2 F.c的形状是(4, 13)。我知道 4 来自三次样条拟合的事实。但是我不知道如何为我想要的 9 个部分中的每个部分 select 系数(从 x = 0 到 x=1.11111,x = 1.111111 到 x = 2.222222 等等)。在提取不同段的系数方面的任何帮助将不胜感激。

如果你想在曲线的特定位置打结,你需要使用 splrep 的参数 task=-1 并给出一个 interior[=32= 的数组] 结作为 t 参数。


If provided, knots t must satisfy the Schoenberg-Whitney conditions, i.e., there must be a subset of data points x[j] such that t[j] < x[j] < t[j+k+1], for j=0, 1,...,n-k-2.

请参阅文档 here

然后你应该得到 F.c 以下大小 (4, <length of t> + 2*(k+1)-1) 对应于沿曲线的连续间隔(k+1 节点在曲线的两端添加 splrep).


import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)
y = np.sin(x)

t = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)

tck = scipy.interpolate.splrep(x, y, t=t[1:-1])

F   = scipy.interpolate.PPoly.from_spline(tck)


# Accessing coeffs of nth segment: index = k + n - 1
# Eg. for second segment: