
Loop over results of prepared statement query inside stored procedure

我有一个存储函数,它的工作是遍历和分析来自多个表的大量数据。虽然大多数表是静态的——我可以声明游标来遍历数据——但有一些表是事先不知道的,特别是语言集表(例如 language_enlanguage_fr 等)也就是说,在编写存储函数时,我不知道这些表中的哪一个会出现。


declare cLang cursor for
    SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
    WHERE table_schema=database() and table_name like 'language_%';

declare continue handler for not found set exit_loop = true;

open cLang;
set exit_loop = false;
cLang_loop: loop
    fetch cLang into str;

end loop;


fetch cLang into tableName;

set @stmt_text = concat("SELECT t_code, t_string FROM ", str);
prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
execute stmt using @scId;


我最后的做法是这样的。我没有创建动态游标来查询 table,而是有一个预定义的临时 table 并在该 table 上声明了一个游标。然后动态 sql 插入临时 table 并且常规游标遍历它。像这样:

declare cLang cursor for
    SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() and table_name like 'language_%';

declare cCode cursor for
    SELECT t_code, t_string FROM tmp_lang;

declare continue handler for not found set exit_loop = true;

open cLang;
set exit_loop = false;

cLang_loop: loop
    fetch cLang into str;
    if exit_loop then
        close cLang;
        leave cLang_loop;
        create temporary table tmp_lang (t_code varchar(50), t_string varchar(2000));

        set @stmt_text = concat(
            'insert into tmp_lang (t_code, t_string) SELECT t_code, t_string
            from ', str);
        prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
        execute stmt;

        if (select count(1) from tmp_lang) > 0 then

            open cCode;

            cCode_loop: loop
                fetch cCode into lCode, lString;
                if exit_loop then
                    close cCode;
                    set exit_loop = false;
                    leave cCode_loop;
                    -- now I can do whatever I need with the data
                end if;
            end loop;

        end if;

        deallocate prepare stmt;
        drop table tmp_lang;
    end if;
end loop;