
MT4 export script

以下 MQL4 脚本将数据从 MetaTrader 导出到 csv 文件。不幸的是(至少对我而言),生成的 csv 文件中数据的顺序是从 0 到 1000,0 是最近的(现在到过去)。我希望文件从 1000 到 0(从过去到现在)排序。

我将下面的写入数据循环更改为:for (int bar=Export_Bars; bar==0 bar--) 但这只是生成了一个空的 csv 文件。

#property script_show_inputs

input string    Export_FileName = "data\data.csv"; 
input int       Export_Bars     = 20000; 
input int       StartHour = 10;
input int       EndHour = 19;

void OnStart()   
    int file = FileOpen(Export_FileName, FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV|FILE_ANSI, ',');
    if (file != INVALID_HANDLE && (Hour() >= StartHour) && Hour() < EndHour)
        // Write the header of data

        string row="";
        for (int i=0; i<=5; i++)
            if (StringLen(row)) 
                row += ",";
            row += "Open"+i+",High"+i+",Low"+i+",Close"+i;
        FileWrite(file, row);

        // Copy all required information from the history

        MqlRates rates[], rate;
        int count = Export_Bars + 5;
        if (CopyRates(Symbol(), Period(), 1, count, rates) < count)
            Print("Error! Not enough history size for exporting required information.");
        ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true);

        // Write data      

        for (int bar=0; bar<Export_Bars; bar++)
            double zlevel=0;
            for (int y=0; y<=5; y++)
                if (StringLen(row)) 
                    row += ",";
                rate = rates[bar+y];
                if (y==0) 
                    zlevel =; // level of price calculation
                row += NormalizeDouble( -zlevel, Digits()) + ","
                       + NormalizeDouble(rate.high -zlevel, Digits()) + ","
                       + NormalizeDouble(rate.low  -zlevel, Digits()) + ","
                       + NormalizeDouble(rate.close-zlevel, Digits());
            FileWrite(file, row);

        Print("Export of data is finished successfully.");
    } else Print("Error! Failed to create the file for data export. ", GetLastError());



 for ( int bar  = Export_Bars - 1;        // .LOOP-INIT(s)
           bar >= 0;                      // .LOOP-RUN-PRE-CONDITION
           bar--                          // .LOOP-RUN-POST-UPDATE(s)
       ) {...}                            // .LOOP-RUN-BODY