Buttons and links keyboard triggers
在做研究时我遇到了 this statement:
Warning: Be careful when marking up links with the button role.
Buttons are expected to be triggered using the Space key, while links
are expected to be triggered using the Enter key.
在阅读本文之前,作为用户,我不知道何时使用 Space 或 Enter。
快速浏览了 Google 以了解他们的工作。
- 对于链接 Space向下滚动并输入触发
- 对于 按钮 Space 和 Enter 触发器
我推测要回答 #1,但我相信用于激活按钮和超链接的键是操作系统的遗留物。对于超链接,想想 Windows Help in Windows 95 及其对 in-content 链接的依赖,或者 Hypercard 在 Mac 之前。另请注意,Space
从 (IIRC) 第一天起就在浏览器中滚动了一个页面。
回答第 2 个问题,不,这不行。这是因为 space 条会触发页面滚动,许多用户希望当焦点位于超链接上时,按下 Space
让我 re-state 你在 Mozilla 看到了什么:
A hyperlink can be fired by pressing the enter key. But a true button can be fired by pressing the enter key or the space bar. When a hyperlink has focus and the user presses the space bar, the page will scroll one screenful.
I think it’s also worth mentioning that events triggered by a space bar only fire when the key is released, whereas using the Enter key will fire the event as soon as you press the key down (prior to releasing it).
如果您 select 一个 checkbox
元素,space 将在 enter[=39= 时切换复选框] 将提交表格。
为了保持连贯性,按钮的作用相同。实际上,他们接受 enter 和 space 没有任何区别。
阅读里面Third rule of ARIA:
For example, if using role=button the element must be able to receive focus and a user must be able to activate the action associated with the element using both the enter (on WIN OS) or return (MAC OS) and the space key.
例如 2000 年的一个旧错误 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56495) 已经指出 space bar 应该在按钮上工作。也许继承自 Windows 行为。
在做研究时我遇到了 this statement:
Warning: Be careful when marking up links with the button role. Buttons are expected to be triggered using the Space key, while links are expected to be triggered using the Enter key.
在阅读本文之前,作为用户,我不知道何时使用 Space 或 Enter。
快速浏览了 Google 以了解他们的工作。
- 对于链接 Space向下滚动并输入触发
- 对于 按钮 Space 和 Enter 触发器
我推测要回答 #1,但我相信用于激活按钮和超链接的键是操作系统的遗留物。对于超链接,想想 Windows Help in Windows 95 及其对 in-content 链接的依赖,或者 Hypercard 在 Mac 之前。另请注意,Space
从 (IIRC) 第一天起就在浏览器中滚动了一个页面。
回答第 2 个问题,不,这不行。这是因为 space 条会触发页面滚动,许多用户希望当焦点位于超链接上时,按下 Space
让我 re-state 你在 Mozilla 看到了什么:
A hyperlink can be fired by pressing the enter key. But a true button can be fired by pressing the enter key or the space bar. When a hyperlink has focus and the user presses the space bar, the page will scroll one screenful.
I think it’s also worth mentioning that events triggered by a space bar only fire when the key is released, whereas using the Enter key will fire the event as soon as you press the key down (prior to releasing it).
如果您 select 一个
元素,space 将在 enter[=39= 时切换复选框] 将提交表格。为了保持连贯性,按钮的作用相同。实际上,他们接受 enter 和 space 没有任何区别。
阅读里面Third rule of ARIA:
For example, if using role=button the element must be able to receive focus and a user must be able to activate the action associated with the element using both the enter (on WIN OS) or return (MAC OS) and the space key.
例如 2000 年的一个旧错误 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56495) 已经指出 space bar 应该在按钮上工作。也许继承自 Windows 行为。