
Sorting singly circular linked list


void editList(node *head, int value, int newValue)
    node *traverser = head;
    do {
        traverser = traverser -> next;
    }while(traverser -> data != value);

    traverser -> data = newValue;

    node *index;
    node *selection;
    node *temp = new node;

    for(index = head; index -> next != head; index = index -> next) {

        for(selection = head; selection -> next != head; selection = selection -> next) {
            if(index -> data > selection -> data) {
                temp -> data = index-> data;
                index -> data = selection -> data;
                selection -> data = temp -> data;

        }//End of outer loop

    }//End of sorting

}//End of editList()

在分析提供的源代码时,提出的排序算法非常接近预期'selection sort algorithm'.


步骤 1 - 通过将第一个循环中的条件包含到第二个循环中来执行真正的嵌套循环。

To sort all the list, the selection starts from the next node of the index.

for(index = head; index -> next != head; index = index -> next) {
    // start the selection from the index->next
    for(selection = index->next; selection -> next != head; selection = selection -> next) {
        if(index -> data > selection -> data) {
            temp -> data = index-> data;
            index -> data = selection -> data;
            selection -> data = temp -> data;

    }//End of outer loop
}//End of sorting

Bonus 1 - 因为swap只在data层进行,没有使用临时节点,直接使用整数

// use just an integer
int temp;
temp = index-> data;
index -> data = selection -> data;
selection -> data = temp;


// allocated but never freed
node *temp = new node;
temp -> data = index-> data;
index -> data = selection -> data;
selection -> data = temp -> data;

Bonus 2 - 对于第一个搜索部分来定位具有要替换的 int value 的节点,为什么不使用相同的循环结构来防止 never-ending 如果没有节点具有搜索到的值,则循环。

node *traverser;
// a ending loop to search a value into a circular-list
for(traverser = head; traverser->next != head; traverser = traverser -> next) {
    if (traverser -> data == value) {
        traverser -> data = newValue;


node *traverser = head;
do {
    traverser = traverser -> next;
}while(traverser -> data != value);

traverser -> data = newValue;