
The definition of the report is invalid

正在尝试创建 RDLC 报告,但 运行 出现异常:

文本运行“Textbox40.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]”的值表达式包含错误:[BC30516] 重载解析失败,因为没有可访问的 'IIf' 接受这个数量的参数。这是代码:

                                =Fields!TermsDescription.Value &amp; " " &amp; Fields!PrimaryCurrency.Value &amp; vbcrlf &amp;
                                iif((Parameters!DocType.Value = "INVOICE" and Fields!ShowInterestStatement.Value), "1.5% Per Month (19.56% per Annum)" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; "Will be Charged on Overdue Accounts" &amp; vbcrlf &amp;
                                IIF((Parameters!DocType.Value = "ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT"), "All goods sold are subject to Apex Remington's terms and conditions of sale which are available for your review at http://www.apexdistribution.com/terms", "test") &amp;


您必须指定第一个 IIf 函数的 FalsePart

    TruePart1 & IIf(Expression2, TruePart2, FalsePart2),