使用模式匹配和递归 F# 在列表中查找最大元素
Finding the Maximum element in a list with pattern matching and recursion F#
我试图在不使用 List.Max 的情况下使用下面给定的模板查找列表中的最大元素。
let findMax l =
let rec helper(l,m) = failwith "Not implemented"
match l with
| [] -> failwith "Error -- empty list"
| (x::xs) -> helper(xs,x)
let rec max_value1 l =
match l with
|[] -> failwith "Empty List"
|[x] -> x
|(x::y::xs) -> if x<y then max_value1 (y::xs)
else max_value1 (x::xs)
max_value1 [1; 17; 3; 6; 1; 8; 3; 11; 6; 5; 9];;
let rec helper (l,m) =
match (l, m) with
| [] , m -> m
| x::xs, m -> helper (xs, max m x)
请注意,由于您要匹配函数的最后一个参数,您可以将其删除并使用 function
而不是 match
let rec helper = function
| [] , m -> m
| x::xs, m -> helper (xs, max m x)
let findMax l =
let rec walk maxValue = function
| [] -> maxValue
| (x::xs) -> walk (if x > maxValue then x else maxValue) xs
match l with
| [] -> failwith "Empty list"
| (head::tail) -> walk head tail
findMax [1; 12; 3; ] //12
let findMax l = l |> List.fold (fun maxValue x -> if x > maxValue then x else maxValue) (List.head l)
let findMax l =
let rec helper(l,m) =
match l with
| [] -> m
| (x::xs) -> helper(xs, if (Some x > m) then Some x else m)
helper (l,None)
[-2;-6;-1;-9;-56;-3] |> findMax
val it : int option = Some -1
空列表将 return None。
我不确定您分配的确切规则是什么,但列表的最大值实际上只是 List.reduce max
let listMax : int list -> int = List.reduce max
let inline listMax xs = List.reduce max xs
我试图在不使用 List.Max 的情况下使用下面给定的模板查找列表中的最大元素。
let findMax l =
let rec helper(l,m) = failwith "Not implemented"
match l with
| [] -> failwith "Error -- empty list"
| (x::xs) -> helper(xs,x)
let rec max_value1 l =
match l with
|[] -> failwith "Empty List"
|[x] -> x
|(x::y::xs) -> if x<y then max_value1 (y::xs)
else max_value1 (x::xs)
max_value1 [1; 17; 3; 6; 1; 8; 3; 11; 6; 5; 9];;
let rec helper (l,m) =
match (l, m) with
| [] , m -> m
| x::xs, m -> helper (xs, max m x)
请注意,由于您要匹配函数的最后一个参数,您可以将其删除并使用 function
而不是 match
let rec helper = function
| [] , m -> m
| x::xs, m -> helper (xs, max m x)
let findMax l =
let rec walk maxValue = function
| [] -> maxValue
| (x::xs) -> walk (if x > maxValue then x else maxValue) xs
match l with
| [] -> failwith "Empty list"
| (head::tail) -> walk head tail
findMax [1; 12; 3; ] //12
let findMax l = l |> List.fold (fun maxValue x -> if x > maxValue then x else maxValue) (List.head l)
let findMax l =
let rec helper(l,m) =
match l with
| [] -> m
| (x::xs) -> helper(xs, if (Some x > m) then Some x else m)
helper (l,None)
[-2;-6;-1;-9;-56;-3] |> findMax
val it : int option = Some -1
空列表将 return None。
我不确定您分配的确切规则是什么,但列表的最大值实际上只是 List.reduce max
let listMax : int list -> int = List.reduce max
let inline listMax xs = List.reduce max xs