Ansible 通知语法问题 - 名称 ^ 任务中未检测到任何操作

Ansible notify syntax issue - name ^ no action detected in task



Python 2.7.5

CentOS Linux 7.2.1511 版(核心)

剧本 文件看起来像:

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ cat netdata.yml 

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    - netdata

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ 

角色的 (netdata) main.yml 看起来像:

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ cat roles/netdata/tasks/main.yml 

# ansible-playbook -i

#- name: Netdata details
#  debug: 
#    msg: "server = {{ netdata_server }}"
#- name: Check if netdata systemctl is running
#  command: "systemctl status netdata"
#  ignore_errors: yes
#  register: netdata_systemctl_status
#- name: Report status of Netdata Service
#  debug: 
#    msg: "{{ netdata_systemctl_status.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Start netdata systemctl if it is not running
    msg: "Restarting netdata systemctl now"
  notify: restart netdata systemctl

  #when: netdata_systemctl_status | failed

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ 


[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ cat roles/netdata/handlers/main.yml 

# PS.
# Order of listing notifiers in this file matters.
# Order of listing notifiers while calling/notifying a notifier in a task/action doesn't.

- name: restart netdata systemctl
    name: netdata
    state: restarted

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ 

那么,为什么 Ansible 会给我以下错误?

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ ansible-playbook -i "`hostname`," --connection=local netdata.yml 
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.

The error appears to have been in '/home/vagrant/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible/roles/netdata/handlers/main.yml': line 6, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- name: restart netdata systemctl
  ^ here

The error appears to have been in '/home/vagrant/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible/roles/netdata/handlers/main.yml': line 6, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- name: restart netdata systemctl
  ^ here

[vagrant@myvagrant ~/aks/netdata_ansible/ansible] $ 

systemd module 是在 Ansible 2.2 中引入的。

systemd - Manage services.

New in version 2.2.

您使用的是 Ansible 2.1.2,因此 Ansible 报告任务中未定义已知操作。