从 ngrx/store 中提取特定数据
Extracting specific data from ngrx/store
所以我读了this post several times, but the defined setup and examples now differ from the methods shown in the store example app。
我已经编写了我的商店代码,主要基于示例应用程序,所以如果我们在本文中继续使用示例应用程序作为参考 post:
export interface State {
ids: string[];
entities: { [id: string]: Book };
selectedBookId: string | null;
const initialState: State = {
ids: [],
entities: {},
selectedBookId: null,
export function reducer(state = initialState, action: book.Actions | collection.Actions): State {
switch (action.type) {
case book.ActionTypes.SEARCH_COMPLETE:
case collection.ActionTypes.LOAD_SUCCESS: {
const books = action.payload;
const newBooks = books.filter(book => !state.entities[book.id]);
const newBookIds = newBooks.map(book => book.id);
const newBookEntities = newBooks.reduce((entities: { [id: string]: Book }, book: Book) => {
return Object.assign(entities, {
[book.id]: book
}, {});
return {
ids: [ ...state.ids, ...newBookIds ],
entities: Object.assign({}, state.entities, newBookEntities),
selectedBookId: state.selectedBookId
export const getEntities = (state: State) => state.entities;
export const getIds = (state: State) => state.ids;
Reducers index.ts(缩短但保留相关信息):
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { compose } from '@ngrx/core/compose';
import { storeFreeze } from 'ngrx-store-freeze';
import { combineReducers } from '@ngrx/store';
import * as fromBooks from './books';
export interface State {
books: fromBooks.State;
const reducers = {
books: fromBooks.reducer,
const productionReducer: ActionReducer<State> = combineReducers(reducers);
export function reducer(state: any, action: any) {
return productionReducer(state, action);
export const getBooksState = (state: State) => state.books;
export const getBookEntities = createSelector(getBooksState, fromBooks.getEntities);
export const getBookIds = createSelector(getBooksState, fromBooks.getIds);
现在我不太明白 "query's" 是如何构建的,我想做的是将 ID 说“456”传递给一个函数,该函数将从ID为“456”的书。 Return 将这些数据放入 Book 的可观察对象中,这样我就可以在我的 template/component 中使用它。
当您使用 redux 模式时,您必须通过 Actions 完成所有操作。
首先 您需要将选定的 ID 存储在您的商店中,在这种情况下是 "selectedBookId" 属性作为新的操作,例如 SELECTED_BOOK
其次 要获取所选图书,您需要创建一个选择器,将 selectedBookId 与您的实体数组结合起来,例如:
export const getSelected = createSelector(
(entities , selectedId) => entities.find(entities => entities.id === selectedId)
export const getSelectedBook = createSelector(getBookState, fromBook.getSelected);
最后 获取您需要调用选择器的图书对象
this.book$ = this.store.select(fromRoot.getSelectedBook);
所以我读了this post several times, but the defined setup and examples now differ from the methods shown in the store example app。
我已经编写了我的商店代码,主要基于示例应用程序,所以如果我们在本文中继续使用示例应用程序作为参考 post:
export interface State {
ids: string[];
entities: { [id: string]: Book };
selectedBookId: string | null;
const initialState: State = {
ids: [],
entities: {},
selectedBookId: null,
export function reducer(state = initialState, action: book.Actions | collection.Actions): State {
switch (action.type) {
case book.ActionTypes.SEARCH_COMPLETE:
case collection.ActionTypes.LOAD_SUCCESS: {
const books = action.payload;
const newBooks = books.filter(book => !state.entities[book.id]);
const newBookIds = newBooks.map(book => book.id);
const newBookEntities = newBooks.reduce((entities: { [id: string]: Book }, book: Book) => {
return Object.assign(entities, {
[book.id]: book
}, {});
return {
ids: [ ...state.ids, ...newBookIds ],
entities: Object.assign({}, state.entities, newBookEntities),
selectedBookId: state.selectedBookId
export const getEntities = (state: State) => state.entities;
export const getIds = (state: State) => state.ids;
Reducers index.ts(缩短但保留相关信息):
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { compose } from '@ngrx/core/compose';
import { storeFreeze } from 'ngrx-store-freeze';
import { combineReducers } from '@ngrx/store';
import * as fromBooks from './books';
export interface State {
books: fromBooks.State;
const reducers = {
books: fromBooks.reducer,
const productionReducer: ActionReducer<State> = combineReducers(reducers);
export function reducer(state: any, action: any) {
return productionReducer(state, action);
export const getBooksState = (state: State) => state.books;
export const getBookEntities = createSelector(getBooksState, fromBooks.getEntities);
export const getBookIds = createSelector(getBooksState, fromBooks.getIds);
现在我不太明白 "query's" 是如何构建的,我想做的是将 ID 说“456”传递给一个函数,该函数将从ID为“456”的书。 Return 将这些数据放入 Book 的可观察对象中,这样我就可以在我的 template/component 中使用它。
当您使用 redux 模式时,您必须通过 Actions 完成所有操作。
首先 您需要将选定的 ID 存储在您的商店中,在这种情况下是 "selectedBookId" 属性作为新的操作,例如 SELECTED_BOOK
其次 要获取所选图书,您需要创建一个选择器,将 selectedBookId 与您的实体数组结合起来,例如:
export const getSelected = createSelector(
(entities , selectedId) => entities.find(entities => entities.id === selectedId)
export const getSelectedBook = createSelector(getBookState, fromBook.getSelected);
最后 获取您需要调用选择器的图书对象
this.book$ = this.store.select(fromRoot.getSelectedBook);