VHDL - BCD 到二进制输入缓冲区 - 显示结果的问题
VHDL - BCD to Binary input buffer - issues displaying the result
我正在使用 Vivado 2014.2 将 BCD 的 VHDL 代码写入可用于计算器或组合锁的二进制输入缓冲区。
我的方法很简单。做 x*10 它与 x(2 + 8) = x*2 + x*8.
x*2 = 1 左移 (2^1 = 2)
x*8 = 3 次左移 (2^3 = 8)
在添加输入之前移动并添加输出缓冲区(tempC)。这样做是为了在从 null 开始时输入的第一个数字不会乘以 10。
我的代码在 artix 7 fpga 上编译和运行,但我在确保输出缓冲区 (tempC) 正常工作时遇到问题。它拒绝输出任何数据,但我不确定为什么。
-- Engineer: greatgamer34
-- Create Date: 01/25/2017 04:57:02 PM
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: buff - Behavioral
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity buff is
Port ( Data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); ----4bit BCD value input
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
Output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
aout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));-- 7 segment display output for current state.
end buff;
architecture Behavioral of buff is
type states is (state0, state1, state2, state3);
signal currentstate, nextstate: states;
signal tempA: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used to store 'Data' for addition.
signal tempB: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x2('Data').
signal tempC: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used as output register.
signal tempD: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for sending data to LED's.
signal tempE: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x8('Data')
if(Reset = '1') then
tempC <= "0000000000000000"; --clear tempC
tempA <= "0000000000000000"; --clear tempA
currentstate <= state0; -------reset state to 0
elsif(clock'event and clock = '1') then
output <= (tempD);--dispaly the output of the buffer
currentstate<=nextstate; -- advance states
end if;
end process;
case currentstate is
when state0 =>
tempA(3 downto 0) <= Data; -- load in 4 bit data intoi 16 bit register
tempD <= (tempA); --output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state1;
aout <= not "1111110"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 0
when state1 =>
tempB <= tempC(14 downto 0) & '0'; --left shift tempC(the output register) save to tempB; this is the x2 multiplication
tempD <= (tempA); -- output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state2;
aout <= not "0110000"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 1
when state2 =>
tempE <= tempC(12 downto 0) & "000"; --left shift tempC(the output register) three times save to tempE; this is the x8 multiplication
--tempC <=std_logic_vector( unsigned(tempE) + unsigned(tempD)); (TESTING)
tempC <=std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempE(14 downto 0))) + ('0' & unsigned(tempD(14 downto 0)))); --add the first 15 bits of tempD and tempE(this is how we multiply by 10)
tempD <= (tempC); -- output the x10 output register
nextstate <= state3;
aout <= not "1101101" ; -- output on the 7 seg the number2
when state3 =>
-- tempC <= ('0' & tempC(14 downto 0)) + ('0' & tempA(14 downto 0)); (TESTING)
tempC <= std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempC(14 downto 0))) + ('0' & unsigned(tempA(14 downto 0)))); --add the 'Data' to the x10 shifted number.
tempD <= (tempC);
nextstate <= state0;
aout <= not "1111001"; -- output on the 7 seg the number3
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;
tempC 在计时过程中被重置,然后在组合过程中获得分配的新值。
- 为信号使用逻辑名称 tempX 非常令人困惑。我也无法想象你的 BCD 电路会被称为 BUFF ;)
- 检查组合过程的敏感度列表。
- Google关于如何构建状态机
- 对您的设计进行仿真非常重要(尤其是对于较大的设计)
在线查看不同的教程,例如 Xilinx Vivado
2015.2 模拟教程
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity buff is
Port ( Data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); ----4bit BCD value input
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
Output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
aout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));-- 7 segment display output for current state.
end buff;
architecture Behavioral of buff is
type states is (state0, state1, state2, state3, state4);
signal currentstate, nextstate: states;
signal tempA: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);---used to store 'Data' for addition.
signal tempB: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x2('Data').
signal tempC: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used as output register.
signal tempD: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for sending data to LED's.
signal tempE: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x8('Data')
signal tempF: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
if(Reset = '1') then
currentstate <= state4;
Output <= "0000000000000000"; -------reset state
elsif(clock'event and clock = '1') then
Output <= tempD ;--display the output of the buffer
currentstate <= nextstate; -- advance states
end if;
end process;
case currentstate is
when state0 =>
tempA <= Data; -- load in 4 bit data intoi 16 bit register
tempD(3 downto 0) <= tempA; --output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state1;
aout <= not "1111110"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 0
when state1 =>
tempB <= (tempC(14 downto 0) & "0"); --left shift tempC(the output register) save to tempB; this is the x2 multiplication
tempD <= (tempB); -- output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state2;
aout <= not "0110000"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 1
when state2 =>
tempE <= tempC(12 downto 0) & "000"; --left shift tempC(the output register) three times save to tempE; this is the x8 multiplication
--tempF <=std_logic_vector( unsigned(tempE) + unsigned(tempB)); --(TESTING)
tempF <=std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempE(14 downto 0))) + ('0' & unsigned(tempB(14 downto 0)))); --add the first 15 bits of tempD and tempE(this is how we multiply by 10)
tempD <= tempE; -- output the x10 output register
nextstate <= state3;
aout <= not "1101101" ; -- output on the 7 seg the number2
when state3 =>
--tempC <=std_logic_vector( unsigned(tempC) + unsigned(tempA));
tempC <= std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempF(14 downto 0))) + ("000000000000" & unsigned(tempA))); --add the 'Data' to the x10 shifted number.
tempD <= tempC;
nextstate <= state0;
aout <= not "1111001"; -- output on the 7 seg the number3
when state4 =>
tempC <= "0000000000000000";
tempA <= "0000";
tempB <= "0000000000000000";
tempD <= "0000000000000000";
tempE <= "0000000000000000";
tempF <= "0000000000000000";
nextstate <= state0;
aout <= not "0110011";
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;
我正在使用 Vivado 2014.2 将 BCD 的 VHDL 代码写入可用于计算器或组合锁的二进制输入缓冲区。
我的方法很简单。做 x*10 它与 x(2 + 8) = x*2 + x*8.
相同x*2 = 1 左移 (2^1 = 2)
x*8 = 3 次左移 (2^3 = 8)
在添加输入之前移动并添加输出缓冲区(tempC)。这样做是为了在从 null 开始时输入的第一个数字不会乘以 10。
我的代码在 artix 7 fpga 上编译和运行,但我在确保输出缓冲区 (tempC) 正常工作时遇到问题。它拒绝输出任何数据,但我不确定为什么。
-- Engineer: greatgamer34
-- Create Date: 01/25/2017 04:57:02 PM
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: buff - Behavioral
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity buff is
Port ( Data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); ----4bit BCD value input
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
Output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
aout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));-- 7 segment display output for current state.
end buff;
architecture Behavioral of buff is
type states is (state0, state1, state2, state3);
signal currentstate, nextstate: states;
signal tempA: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used to store 'Data' for addition.
signal tempB: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x2('Data').
signal tempC: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used as output register.
signal tempD: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for sending data to LED's.
signal tempE: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x8('Data')
if(Reset = '1') then
tempC <= "0000000000000000"; --clear tempC
tempA <= "0000000000000000"; --clear tempA
currentstate <= state0; -------reset state to 0
elsif(clock'event and clock = '1') then
output <= (tempD);--dispaly the output of the buffer
currentstate<=nextstate; -- advance states
end if;
end process;
case currentstate is
when state0 =>
tempA(3 downto 0) <= Data; -- load in 4 bit data intoi 16 bit register
tempD <= (tempA); --output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state1;
aout <= not "1111110"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 0
when state1 =>
tempB <= tempC(14 downto 0) & '0'; --left shift tempC(the output register) save to tempB; this is the x2 multiplication
tempD <= (tempA); -- output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state2;
aout <= not "0110000"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 1
when state2 =>
tempE <= tempC(12 downto 0) & "000"; --left shift tempC(the output register) three times save to tempE; this is the x8 multiplication
--tempC <=std_logic_vector( unsigned(tempE) + unsigned(tempD)); (TESTING)
tempC <=std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempE(14 downto 0))) + ('0' & unsigned(tempD(14 downto 0)))); --add the first 15 bits of tempD and tempE(this is how we multiply by 10)
tempD <= (tempC); -- output the x10 output register
nextstate <= state3;
aout <= not "1101101" ; -- output on the 7 seg the number2
when state3 =>
-- tempC <= ('0' & tempC(14 downto 0)) + ('0' & tempA(14 downto 0)); (TESTING)
tempC <= std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempC(14 downto 0))) + ('0' & unsigned(tempA(14 downto 0)))); --add the 'Data' to the x10 shifted number.
tempD <= (tempC);
nextstate <= state0;
aout <= not "1111001"; -- output on the 7 seg the number3
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;
tempC 在计时过程中被重置,然后在组合过程中获得分配的新值。 不允许在两个不同的进程中为一个信号分配一个值。组合过程的敏感性列表也缺少信号。
- 为信号使用逻辑名称 tempX 非常令人困惑。我也无法想象你的 BCD 电路会被称为 BUFF ;)
- 检查组合过程的敏感度列表。
- Google关于如何构建状态机
- 对您的设计进行仿真非常重要(尤其是对于较大的设计) 在线查看不同的教程,例如 Xilinx Vivado 2015.2 模拟教程
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity buff is
Port ( Data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); ----4bit BCD value input
Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
Output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
aout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));-- 7 segment display output for current state.
end buff;
architecture Behavioral of buff is
type states is (state0, state1, state2, state3, state4);
signal currentstate, nextstate: states;
signal tempA: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);---used to store 'Data' for addition.
signal tempB: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x2('Data').
signal tempC: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used as output register.
signal tempD: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for sending data to LED's.
signal tempE: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);---used for x8('Data')
signal tempF: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
if(Reset = '1') then
currentstate <= state4;
Output <= "0000000000000000"; -------reset state
elsif(clock'event and clock = '1') then
Output <= tempD ;--display the output of the buffer
currentstate <= nextstate; -- advance states
end if;
end process;
case currentstate is
when state0 =>
tempA <= Data; -- load in 4 bit data intoi 16 bit register
tempD(3 downto 0) <= tempA; --output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state1;
aout <= not "1111110"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 0
when state1 =>
tempB <= (tempC(14 downto 0) & "0"); --left shift tempC(the output register) save to tempB; this is the x2 multiplication
tempD <= (tempB); -- output the input data(used for debugging)
nextstate <= state2;
aout <= not "0110000"; -- output on the 7 seg the number 1
when state2 =>
tempE <= tempC(12 downto 0) & "000"; --left shift tempC(the output register) three times save to tempE; this is the x8 multiplication
--tempF <=std_logic_vector( unsigned(tempE) + unsigned(tempB)); --(TESTING)
tempF <=std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempE(14 downto 0))) + ('0' & unsigned(tempB(14 downto 0)))); --add the first 15 bits of tempD and tempE(this is how we multiply by 10)
tempD <= tempE; -- output the x10 output register
nextstate <= state3;
aout <= not "1101101" ; -- output on the 7 seg the number2
when state3 =>
--tempC <=std_logic_vector( unsigned(tempC) + unsigned(tempA));
tempC <= std_logic_vector( ('0' & unsigned(tempF(14 downto 0))) + ("000000000000" & unsigned(tempA))); --add the 'Data' to the x10 shifted number.
tempD <= tempC;
nextstate <= state0;
aout <= not "1111001"; -- output on the 7 seg the number3
when state4 =>
tempC <= "0000000000000000";
tempA <= "0000";
tempB <= "0000000000000000";
tempD <= "0000000000000000";
tempE <= "0000000000000000";
tempF <= "0000000000000000";
nextstate <= state0;
aout <= not "0110011";
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;