为什么在 SortedSet 中查找 headSet 时附加空字符“\0”?

Why append the null character "\0" when looking for a headSet in a SortedSet?

这个成语是什么意思?与“\0”连接的 java 字符串(例如 "Japan[=17=]")?如

SortedSet<String> countryHeadSet 
    = countrySet.headSet("Japan[=10=]");


    = countrySet.headSet("Japan");


一个字符串的成语用法之一"[=13=]",尤其是当你看到它的时候 用一个range-view操作一个SortedSet,就是用它来找到 字符串的后继

需要这样的继任者,因为那些 range-view 操作(subSet() , headSet(), 和 tailSet()) 提供 half-open 间隔, 你 可能需要字符串的后继来构造一个 closed 区间。 Java Doc of Sorted Set


Several methods return subsets with restricted ranges. Such ranges are half-open, that is, they include their low endpoint but not their high endpoint (where applicable). If you need a closed range (which includes both endpoints), and the element type allows for calculation of the successor of a given value, merely request the subrange from lowEndpoint to successor(highEndpoint). For example, suppose that s is a sorted set of strings. The following idiom obtains a view containing all of the strings in s from low to high, inclusive:

SortedSet sub = s.subSet(low, high+"[=21=]");



是第一个会得到countrySet中的所有字符串 在从集合开头到 包括 的范围内 字符串 "Japan" (即范围是 封闭 区间);尽管 第二个将获取范围内的所有字符串 集合的开头,最多 但不包括 字符串 "Japan"(即范围是 half-open 区间)。

我包括一个我自己的测试程序来演示 成语:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

public class StringPlusNull {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> countryList 
            = Arrays.asList("U.S.", "U.K.", "China", "Japan", "Korea");
        SortedSet<String> countrySet
            = new TreeSet<>(countryList);

        String toElement = "Japan";
        SortedSet<String> countryHeadSet 
            = countrySet.headSet(toElement);
        System.out.format("There are %d countries in the "
                + "(half-open) headset [, %s): %s%n"
                , countryHeadSet.size(), toElement, countryHeadSet);

        toElement = "Japan[=11=]";
            = countrySet.headSet(toElement);
        System.out.format("There are %d countries in the "
                + "(half-open) headset [, %s): %s%n"
                , countryHeadSet.size(), toElement, countryHeadSet);



There are 1 countries in the (half-open) headset [, Japan): [China]
There are 2 countries in the (half-open) headset [, Japan ): [China, Japan]