tm_map(gsub...) 无法替换单词

tm_map(gsub...) fails to replace words

# Loading required libraries

# Set up logistics such as reading in data and setting up corpus


# Relative path points to the local folder

# get the list of file names
speeches=list.files(path = folder.path, pattern = "*.txt")

# Truncate file names so it is only showing "FirstLast-Term"
prez.out=substr(speeches, 6, nchar(speeches)-4)

# Create a vector NA's equal to the length of the number of speeches
length.speeches=rep(NA, length(speeches))

# Create a corpus

# Clean the data


# Use tm_map to strip all white spaces to a single space, to lower case case, remove stop words, empty strings and punctuation.
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, stripWhitespace)
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, content_transformer(tolower))
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, c("can", "may", "upon", "shall", "will",     "must", ""))


ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, gsub, 模式 = "free", 替换 = "freedom")

ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, character(0))
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removePunctuation)

# tdm.all =  a Term Document Matrix

所以我想用一个词根替换相似的词。例如,在文本挖掘项目中将 "free" 替换为 "freedom"。

然后我从 Youtube 教程中学到了这一行:ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, gsub, pattern = "free", replacement = "freedom" ). 没有这一行,代码运行。

添加此行后,R Studio 在执行此行时给出此错误“Error: inherits(doc, "TextDocument") is not TRUE”:“ tdm.all<-TermDocumentMatrix(ff.all)"


使用 tm 的内置 crude 数据,我能够通过将 gsub 包装在 content_transformer 调用中来解决您的问题。

ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, content_transformer(function(x) gsub(x, pattern = "free", replacement = "freedom")))

根据我的经验,tm_map 对自定义函数的 returned 对象做了一些奇怪的事情。因此,虽然您的原始行有效 tm_map 并不完全 return 真正的 "Corpus" 这就是导致错误的原因。


这一行好像什么都没做 ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, 字符(0))

"" 相同 ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, c("can", "may", "upon", "shall", "will", "must", ""))


ff.all <- crude

ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, stripWhitespace)
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, content_transformer(tolower))
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, c("can", "may", "upon", "shall", "will",     "must", ""))

ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, content_transformer(function(x) gsub(x, pattern = "free", replacement = "freedom")))

ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removeWords, character(0))
ff.all<-tm_map(ff.all, removePunctuation)

# tdm.all =  a Term Document Matrix