
R language, pause loop and ask user for continue

我有一个想法,在某些迭代时暂停循环,并向 "user" 询问一些答案。


some_value = 0
some_criteria = 50
for(i in 1:100)
  some_value = some_value + i
  if(some_value > some_criteria)
    #Here i need to inform the user that some_value reached some_criteria
    #I also need to ask the user whether s/he wants to continue operations until the loop ends
    #or even set new criteria

同样,我想暂停循环,并询问用户是否愿意继续:"Press Y/N"

some_value = 0
some_criteria = 50
continue = FALSE
for(i in 1:100){
  some_value = some_value + i
  if(some_value > some_criteria && continue == FALSE){
    #Here i need to infrom user, that some_value reached some_criteria
    print(paste('some_value reached', some_criteria))

    #I also need to ask user whether he wants co countinue operations until loop ends
    #or even set new criteria

    question1 <- readline("Would you like to proceed untill the loop ends? (Y/N)")
    if(regexpr(question1, 'y', ignore.case = TRUE) == 1){
      continue = TRUE
    } else if (regexpr(question1, 'n', ignore.case = TRUE) == 1){
      question2 <- readline("Would you like to set another criteria? (Y/N)")
      if(regexpr(question2, 'y', ignore.case = TRUE) == 1){
        some_criteria <-  readline("Enter the new criteria:")
        continue = FALSE
      } else {

对于此类事情,使用 pop-up 消息对话通常会显得更加醒目和更加用户友好。下面我为此使用了 tcltk2 包中的 tkmessageBox。在此示例中,我使用 break 在满足条件后退出循环。根据您的具体用例,有时在这种情况下最好使用 while 循环,而不是过早地退出 for 循环。

some_value = 0
some_criteria = 50
continue = TRUE
for(i in 1:100) { 
  some_value = some_value + i
  if(some_value > some_criteria) {
    response <- tkmessageBox(
      message = paste0('some_value > ', some_criteria, '. Continue?'), 
      type = "yesno", 
      default = "yes")
    if (as.character(response)[1]=="no") continue = FALSE
  if (!continue) break()