Console.log 在异步函数中不起作用

Console.log doesn't work in async function


async generateCharts (insights) {
  const { url } = await this.reportsClient.createReport(insights)
  console.log('url from reports', url)
  return this.parse(url)


您的示例缺少上下文,但是,恕我直言,那是因为您的 createReport 函数从未执行过。 没有其他原因导致 console.log 不会被执行。

Note that errors are swallowed "silently" within an async function – just like inside normal Promises. Unless we add try / catch blocks around await expressions, uncaught exceptions – regardless of whether they were raised in the body of your async function or while its suspended during await – will reject the promise returned by the async function.
