angular2 MdDialog 没有显示为弹出窗口

angular2 MdDialog is not appearing as a popup

所以我正在尝试使用 MdDialog 来显示错误消息。不幸的是,它不是以弹出窗口的形式出现,而是以页面底部的块形式出现。




<h2 md-dialog-title>{{ title }}</h2>
    <p>{{ message }}</p>
<md-dialog-actions align="right">
    <button md-raised-button md-dialog-close>{{ closeText }}</button>
    <button md-raised-button *ngIf="enableNext" id="sm-next-button"
            (click)="dialogRef.close(true)">{{ nextText }}</button>


import { Component }   from '@angular/core';
import { MdDialogRef } from "@angular/material";

    selector: 'common-modal',
    templateUrl: 'common-modal.component.html',
    styleUrls: [ '../modal.component.scss']
export class CommonModalComponent {
     * The text for the header or title of the dialog.
    title: string;
     * The text for the body or content of the dialog.
    message: string;
     * The text of the close button. (No, Done, Cancel, etc)
    closeText: string;
     * The text of the confirming button. (Yes, Next, etc)
    nextText: string;
     * True to show the next button. False to hide it.
    enableNext: boolean;

    constructor(public dialogRef: MdDialogRef<CommonModalComponent>) { }


import { Injectable }                            from "@angular/core";
import { MdDialog, MdDialogRef, MdDialogConfig } from "@angular/material";
import { Observable }                            from "rxjs";

import { CommonModalComponent }                  from "./common-modal/common-modal.component";
import { HIDE_NEXT_BUTTON }                      from "../constants";

export class ErrorModalService
    constructor(private dialog: MdDialog) { }

    config = new MdDialogConfig();

     * Show the MdDialog as an alertDialog
     * @param title {string} The title text of the dialog
     * @param message {string} The message content text of the dialog
     * @param closeText {string} The text of the close button. (No, Done, Cancel, etc.) Default is OK
     * @return {Observable<any>} True will be returned if the next button is clicked. Nothing will be returned if canceled.
    public show( title: string, message: string, closeText = "OK"): Observable<any> {

        let dialogRef: MdDialogRef<CommonModalComponent>;

        this.config.role = 'alertdialog';

        dialogRef =, this.config);

        dialogRef.componentInstance.title = title;
        dialogRef.componentInstance.message = message;
        dialogRef.componentInstance.closeText = closeText;
        dialogRef.componentInstance.nextText = '';
        dialogRef.componentInstance.enableNext = HIDE_NEXT_BUTTON;

        return dialogRef.afterClosed();


import { Component }            from '@angular/core'
import { Router }               from '@angular/router'
import { Response }             from '@angular/http'

import { LoginService }         from './login.service'
import { Login }                from './loginModel'
import { ErrorModalService }    from "../../shared/modal/error-modal.service";

               selector: 'login',
               providers: [LoginService],
               templateUrl: 'login.component.html',
               styleUrls: ['login.component.scss']
export class LoginComponent {

    loginModel: Login          = new Login('', '');
    protected userName: string = '';
    protected password: string = '';

    constructor(private router: Router,
                private loginService: LoginService,
                private errorModalService: ErrorModalService) { }

    private onSubmit() {
                response => this.handleLoginCallback(response),
                error => {
                        this.errorModalService.config = {
                        height: "210px",
                        width: "200px",
                        position: {top: "0", left: "0"}
                        "LOGIN ERROR",
                        "Incorrect username or password. Please try again."

看来 material2 主题 css 也包含一些功能性 css,如果没有这个叠加层将无法正常工作。 Material2 getting started guide 提到主题是必需的。但是很容易错过这一点。

尝试在 styles.css

中导入一些 material 主题
@import '~@angular/material/core/theming/prebuilt/deeppurple-amber.css';

@import "node_modules/@angular/material/core/theming/prebuilt/deeppurple-amber.css";


我正在使用 angular 5.1.1,遇到了这个问题,我在我的 style.css 中添加了 indigo-pink.css 能够完美弹出并使对话框居中

当我开始使用 Material 模块时没有启动安装阶段,这发生在我身上,尝试重新 运行

$ ng add @angular/material

这将启动您的项目以配置 Material。