如何通过 LAN 在 8080 上访问网页(由 Pycharm 许可证服务器提供服务,位于 Ubuntu)

How to access webpage (served by Pycharm License Server, on Ubuntu) on 8080 over LAN

我正在尝试在我的 LAN 上设置 PyCharm License Server

我有一个 Ubuntu 16.04 服务器,hightower 设置用于执行此操作。我已经安装了许可证服务器,它似乎在 8080:

上成功 运行
admin@hightower:/opt/jetbrains$ sudo bin/license-server.sh start
Starting JetBrains License Service...
* Logging initialized @269ms 
* jetty-9.3.z-SNAPSHOT 
INFO  Config:92 - Reading classpath resource config/base.conf
INFO  Application:60 - Recources scan took 61
INFO  ApplicationContext:31 - Executing startup sequence on class com.jetbrains.ls.floating.LSApplication
INFO  Server:64 - Initializing from server-config.xml
INFO  Server:81 - server-config.xml is missing or corrupt. /root/.jb-license-server/server-config.xml (No such file or directory)
INFO  ApplicationContext:31 - Executing startup sequence on class com.jetbrains.ls.config.Config
INFO  ApplicationContext:31 - Executing startup sequence on class com.jetbrains.ls.floating.upstream.LogQueue
INFO  ApplicationContext:31 - Executing startup sequence on class com.jetbrains.ls.floating.reporting.ReportingQueue
INFO  ApplicationContext:31 - Executing startup sequence on class com.jetbrains.ls.floating.reporting.ResultStorage
MaxData ok
SimpleKey okCounterKeys ok
UsersAndIps ok
IntervalResults ok
INFO  Storage:41 - Results: 30/01/2017 12:45 - 30/01/2017 13:23. Last uploaded: null
INFO  ApplicationContext:31 - Executing startup sequence on class com.jetbrains.ls.floating.state.StallTicketRemover
* Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@49a1e95a{/,file:///opt/jetbrains/web/,AVAILABLE,localhost} 
* Started c.j.l.f.s.FakeHostsHandler@11922408{/,null,AVAILABLE} 
* Started ServerConnector@2280485f{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{hightower:8080} 
* Started @1055ms 
* JetBrains License Service is listening on {hightower:8080} 
JetBrains License Service is running

但是我无法从局域网上的另一台计算机访问 webpage at 8080,以便继续该过程。

从工作站 01-e 在 LAN 上使用 GUI/Ubuntu 16.04,尝试访问 hightower:8080http://hightower:8080/register192.168.0.7:8080hightower.domain.local:80801 或任何组合给我:

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at hightower:8080.

我可以 ping hightower:

...-01-e:~$ ping hightower
PING hightower.domain.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from hightower.domain.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.170 ms

服务器上的防火墙未打开 hightower

admin@hightower:/opt/jetbrains$ sudo ufw status
Status: inactive


admin@hightower:/opt/jetbrains$ wget hightower:8080
--2017-01-30 13:47:38--  http://hightower:8080/
Resolving hightower (hightower)...
Connecting to hightower (hightower)||:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://hightower:8080/register [following]
--2017-01-30 13:47:38--  http://hightower:8080/register
Reusing existing connection to hightower:8080.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

那么如何让这个页面在我的 LAN 上可见?

编辑:进一步挖掘,似乎 8080 仅提供给本地主机。我猜这就是问题所在。

admin@hightower:/opt/jetbrains$ netstat -nl
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State     
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN    
tcp6       0      0          :::*                    LISTEN    
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN    
tcp6       0      0         :::*                    LISTEN


admin@hightower:~$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost   hightower

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

已修复。我不得不 运行:

<license_server_home>/bin/license-server.sh configure --port 8080 --listen


<license_server_home>/bin/license-server.sh configure --port 8080 --listen license-server.mydomain.com

我可能也可以将 /etc/hosts 更改为:

admin@hightower:~$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost     hightower
