Laravel : 多对多插入

Laravel : Many to many insertion

我有两个模型,UserTeam 他们之间的关系是ManyToMany:


public function teamMembers(){
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Team')->withPivot('id');;

并且在 Team 中:

public function teamMembers(){
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\User')->withPivot('id');;

现在我想将用户添加到特定团队。所以枢轴 table 名称是 team_user

现在我要插入数据透视表 table 的数据是:

array:4 [▼
  "_token" => "mlwoAgCQYals1N1s2lNa4U5OTgtMNHh9LUhNGrWh"
  "team_id" => "1"
  "members_id" => array:3 [▼
    0 => "2"
    1 => "3"
    2 => "4"
  "status" => "1"


$team_id = $request->get("team_id");
$team = \App\Team::findOrFail($team_id);
foreach ($request->get('members_id') as $key => $value) {

但它只插入一条记录,我指的是 team_id 和第一条 member_id。 我希望它从 members_id 数组中为每个成员创建一条记录。我该怎么做?

您应该将一组用户 ID 传递给 attach() 方法。

For convenience, attach and detach also accept arrays of IDs as input


$team = \App\Team::findOrFail($request->team_id);