Python 工具 Visual Studio 2017 RC

Python Tools Visual Studio 2017 RC

有人知道是否可以在 Visual Studio 2017 RC 中打开旧的 (VS2015) Python 解决方案和项目吗? VS 2017 无法加载我的项目,只是说它不兼容。我在修改 Visual Studio 选项中寻找一些 Python 工具,但在那里找不到任何相关信息。

恐怕暂时做不到。大约一周前,微软从 VS 2017 中删除了 python 工具。他们写道 Python 工具应该作为 add-on "soon".


Microsoft 表示,2017 年 1 月 27 日(内部版本 26127.00)

Release Date: January 27, 2017 (build 26127.00) Summary of Updates in this Release

Removed the Data Science and Python Development workloads as some of the components weren’t meeting the release requirements, such as translation to non-English languages. They will be available soon as separate downloads. F# is still available in the .NET Desktop and .NET Web development workloads. Upgrading to current version will remove any previously installed Python and Data Science workloads/components.


看来 Python 工具即将可用! :)

So here’s what we’re doing: around the time of the Visual Studio 2017 release, we will release a separate preview version of VS 2017 that includes Python support.

Currently we are expecting Python support to be in the preview release for a few months, depending on our confidence in stability and user feedback. Once we move from preview to release, there will be an update and you’ll be able to select the Python workload in the stable release of Visual Studio.

截至 2017 年 10 月 5 日(更新 15.2),Python 和数据科学工作负载在 2017 年 Visual Studio 恢复。

来源: Visual Studio 2017 Release Notes