Sum of two values of discriminated union list F#
type volume =
| Litre of float
| Galon of float
| Bucket of float
| Bushel of float
let list = [Litre(20.0);Litre(30.0);Galon(2.0);Bucket(5.0);Litre(5.0);Galon(3.0)];
let rec sumSameTypes (list:volume list) =
match list with
| a::b::t -> if a.GetType() = b.GetType() then // and there is part where I don't know how to sum two of these elements
| [] -> failwith "EMPTY"
虽然 GetType
match a with
| Litre(n) -> // Do something with 'n'
// Add all the other cases here
我认为首先要考虑的是您希望得到什么结果 - 我想最简单的选择是获得代表升、加仑、桶和蒲式耳总数的四个数字。
let rec sumSameTypes (list:volume list) : float * float * float * float =
match list with
| [] ->
// For empty list, we just have 0 of everything
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
| x::xs ->
// For non-empty list, process the rest recrsively
// and pattern match on `x` to figure out which of
// the numbers you need to increment
type Unit = Litre | Galon | Bushel | Bucket
type Volume = { Amount : float; Unit : Unit }
这会使它变得更容易,因为您可以使用 Map<Unit, float>
let sum lst =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> loop (acc + h) t
loop 0.0 lst
您可以使用具有 4 个累加器(每种类型一个)的本地 tail-recursive 函数:
let sumByType lst =
let rec loop litre gallon bucket bushel = function
| [] -> // return a new volume list built using the accumulators values
| h::t -> // recursive calls with modified accumulators according to h type
loop 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 lst
type volume =
| Litre of float
| Galon of float
| Bucket of float
| Bushel of float
let list = [Litre(20.0);Litre(30.0);Galon(2.0);Bucket(5.0);Litre(5.0);Galon(3.0)];
let rec sumSameTypes (list:volume list) =
match list with
| a::b::t -> if a.GetType() = b.GetType() then // and there is part where I don't know how to sum two of these elements
| [] -> failwith "EMPTY"
虽然 GetType
match a with
| Litre(n) -> // Do something with 'n'
// Add all the other cases here
我认为首先要考虑的是您希望得到什么结果 - 我想最简单的选择是获得代表升、加仑、桶和蒲式耳总数的四个数字。
let rec sumSameTypes (list:volume list) : float * float * float * float =
match list with
| [] ->
// For empty list, we just have 0 of everything
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
| x::xs ->
// For non-empty list, process the rest recrsively
// and pattern match on `x` to figure out which of
// the numbers you need to increment
type Unit = Litre | Galon | Bushel | Bucket
type Volume = { Amount : float; Unit : Unit }
这会使它变得更容易,因为您可以使用 Map<Unit, float>
let sum lst =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> loop (acc + h) t
loop 0.0 lst
您可以使用具有 4 个累加器(每种类型一个)的本地 tail-recursive 函数:
let sumByType lst =
let rec loop litre gallon bucket bushel = function
| [] -> // return a new volume list built using the accumulators values
| h::t -> // recursive calls with modified accumulators according to h type
loop 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 lst